[openstack-dev] [tc][ec2-api] EC2 API Future

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Mon Mar 21 19:14:16 UTC 2016

> On Mar 21, 2016, at 2:33 PM, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch> wrote:
>> On 21/03/16 17:23, "Doug Hellmann" <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:
>>> On Mar 20, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch> wrote:
>>> Doug,
>>> Given that the EC2 functionality is currently in use by at least 1/6th of production clouds (https://www.openstack.org/assets/survey/Public-User-Survey-Report.pdf page 34), this is a worrying situation.
>> I completely agree. 
>>> The EC2 functionality was recently deprecated from Nova on the grounds that the EC2 API project was the correct way to proceed. With the proposal now to not have an EC2 API project at all, this will leave many in the community confused.
>> That wasn't the proposal. We have lots of unofficial projects. My suggestion was that if the EC2 team wasn't participating in the community governance process, we should not list them as official. That doesn't mean disbanding the project, just updating our reference materials to reflect reality and clearly communicat expectations. It sounds like that was a misunderstanding which has been cleared up, though, so I think we're all set to continue considering it an official project.
> There is actually quite a lot of activity going on to get the EC2 API to an easy state to deploy. CERN has been involved in the puppet-ec2api and RDO packaging which currently does not count as participation in the EC2 API project given the split of repositories. However, it is critical for deployment of a project that it can be installed and configured.

That's a great point, and in the future I'll look at packaging and other related repos when trying to gauge activity. 


> Tim
>> Doug
>>> Tim
>>>> On 20/03/16 17:48, "Doug Hellmann" <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> The EC2-API project doesn't appear to be very actively worked on.
>>>> There is one very recent commit from an Oslo team member, another
>>>> couple from a few days before, and then the next one is almost a
>>>> month old. Given the lack of activity, if no team member has
>>>> volunteered to be PTL I think we should remove the project from the
>>>> official list for lack of interest.
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