[openstack-dev] OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest March 12-18

Mike Perez mike at openstack.org
Fri Mar 18 19:43:06 UTC 2016

HTML version: http://www.openstack.org/blog/2016/03/openstack-developer-mailing-list-digest-20160318/

SuccessBot Says
* Bknudson: we got rid of keystone CLI [in favor of OpenStack Client]
* jrichli: it has been shown that Swift encryption can pass all functional tests.
* Bauzas: only a very few Nova changes were missing a reno file, the team is
  now super-trained on getting them.
* Odyssey4me: OpenStack-Ansible now has a Designate role ready for testing [1].
* ttx: Glance is the first project to issue RC1!
* Mugsie: mlavalle completed the Nova/Neutron/Designate DNS Integration along
  with docs + clients.
* Odyssey4me: OpenStack-Ansible has released Kilo 11.2.11. It's the first time
  that we've used the release team for a release and we love it!
* Odyssey4me: OpenStack-Ansible Liberty 12.0.8 has been released.
* Tell us yours via IRC with a message “#success [insert success]”.
* All: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes

Current PTL Election Status
* Important dates:
  - Election open: 2016-03-18 00:00 UTC
  - Election close: 2016-03-24 23:59 UTC
* Projects with only one candidate: 41
* Projects with no PTL candidates: 
  - EC2-API
  - Stable Branch Maintenance
  - Winstackers
* The TC will appoint a new PTL for projects without a candidate [2]
* See confirmed Candidates [3]

Quotas – Service vs. Library
* There is a spec for cross-project Quota work [4] that is seeking feedback to
  move ahead as a service or library.
* Service:
  - New project to manage quotas for all projects that use the service.
  - It will be responsible for handling the enforcement, management and
    database upgrades of the quotas logic for all.
  - However, all projects would have a big dependency on this one service.
* Library – two ways:
  - Does not deal with database models
  - Maybe a ABC or even a few standard implementation vectors that can be
    imported into a project space.
  - The project will have it's own API for quotas and the drivers will enforce
    different types (e.g. flat quota driver or hierarchical quota driver) with
  - Project maintains it's own DB and upgrades.
* A library that has models for DB tables that the project can import from. 
  - Projects will have a handy outline of what the tables should look like.
  - Project has it's own API and implements drivers in-tree by importing this
    semi-defined structure.
  - Project maintains it's own upgrades but will be somewhat influenced by the
    common repo.
* Or just avoid all this simply give guidelines.
* A service has been proposed in the past with projects like Boson [5].
* Tim Bell raises initially a library would be good.
  - If we can't agree on a library, we're unlikely to agree on a service.
  - Would allow for consistent implementation of nested and user quotas.
* For projects like Trove that need a consistent lock on quotas of all
  projects, there are race condition issues for projects like Nova that need to
  be solved first.
* The main issue with doing a library that was raised in a previous summit was
  how to tie in database table management with the existing tables owned by
  a project. While this is not impossible to solve, we need to think about
  which tools can help with that.

[1] - http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate
[2] - http://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20141128-elections-process-for-leaderless-programs.html
[3] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTL_Elections_March_2016#Confirmed_Candidates
[4] - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/284454/
[5] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Boson
Mike Perez

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