[openstack-dev] [magnum] Discussion of supporting single/multiple OS distro
Kai Qiang Wu
wkqwu at cn.ibm.com
Wed Mar 16 01:20:46 UTC 2016
Hi Stdake,
There is a patch about Atomic 23 support in Magnum. And atomic 23 uses
kubernetes 1.0.6, and docker 1.9.1.
>From Steve Gordon, I learnt they did have a two-weekly release. To me it
seems each atomic 23 release not much difference, (minor change)
The major rebases/updates may still have to wait for e.g. Fedora Atomic 24.
So maybe we not need to test every Atomic 23 two-weekly.
Pick one or update old, when we find it is integrated with new kubernetes
or docker, etcd etc. If other small changes(not include security), seems
not need to update so frequently, it can save some efforts.
What do you think ?
Best Wishes,
Kai Qiang Wu (吴开强 Kennan)
IBM China System and Technology Lab, Beijing
E-mail: wkqwu at cn.ibm.com
Tel: 86-10-82451647
Address: Building 28(Ring Building), ZhongGuanCun Software Park,
No.8 Dong Bei Wang West Road, Haidian District Beijing P.R.China
Follow your heart. You are miracle!
From: "Steven Dake (stdake)" <stdake at cisco.com>
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
<openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Date: 16/03/2016 03:23 am
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discussion of supporting
single/multiple OS distro
WFM as long as we stick to the spirit of the proposal and don't end up in a
situation where there is only one distribution. Others in the thread had
indicated there would be only one distribution in tree, which I'd find
disturbing for reasons already described on this thread.
While we are about it, we should move to the latest version of atomic and
chase atomic every two weeks on their release. Thoughts?
From: Hongbin Lu <hongbin.lu at huawei.com>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Date: Monday, March 14, 2016 at 8:10 PM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discussion of supporting
single/multiple OS distro
From: Adrian Otto [mailto:adrian.otto at rackspace.com]
Sent: March-14-16 4:49 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discussion of supporting
single/multiple OS distro
I think you may have misunderstood our intent here. We are not
seeking to lock in to a single OS vendor. Each COE driver can
have a different OS. We can have multiple drivers per COE. The
point is that drivers should be simple, and therefore should
support one Bay node OS each. That would mean taking what we
have today in our Kubernetes Bay type implementation and
breaking it down into two drivers: one for CoreOS and another
for Fedora/Atomic. New drivers would start out in a contrib
directory where complete functional testing would not be
required. In order to graduate one out of contrib and into the
realm of support of the Magnum dev team, it would need to have
a full set of tests, and someone actively maintaining it.
OK. It sounds like the proposal allows more than one OS to be
in-tree, as long as the second OS goes through an incubation process.
If that is what you mean, it sounds reasonable to me.
Multi-personality driers would be relatively complex. That
approach would slow down COE specific feature development, and
complicate maintenance that is needed as new versions of the
dependency chain are bundled in (docker, k8s, etcd, etc.). We
have all agreed that having integration points that allow for
alternate OS selection is still our direction. This follows the
pattern that we set previously when deciding what networking
options to support. We will have one that’s included as a
default, and a way to plug in alternates.
Here is what I expect to see when COE drivers are implemented:
Docker Swarm:
Default driver Fedora/Atomic
Alternate driver: TBD
Default driver Fedora/Atomic
Alternate driver: CoreOS
Apache Mesos/Marathon:
Default driver: Ubuntu
Alternate driver: TBD
We can allow an arbitrary number of alternates. Those TBD items
can be initially added to the contrib directory, and with the
right level of community support can be advanced to defaults if
shown to work better, be more straightforward to maintain, be
more secure, or whatever criteria is important to us when
presented with the choice. Such criteria will be subject to
community consensus. This should allow for free experimentation
with alternates to allow for innovation. See how this is not
locking in a single OS vendor?
On Mar 14, 2016, at 12:41 PM, Steven Dake (stdake) <
stdake at cisco.com> wrote:
When we are at a disagreement in the Kolla core team, we
have the Kolla core reviewers vote on the matter. This is
typical standard OpenStack best practice.
I think the vote would be something like
"Implement one OS/COE/network/storage prototype, or
implement many."
I don't have a horse in this race, but I think it would
be seriously damaging to Magnum to lock in to a single
From: Hongbin Lu <hongbin.lu at huawei.com>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for
usage questions)" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Date: Monday, March 7, 2016 at 10:06 AM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage
questions)" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discussion of
supporting single/multiple OS distro
From: Corey O'Brien [mailto:coreypobrien at gmail.com
Sent: March-07-16 8:11 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for
usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discussion
of supporting single/multiple OS distro
Hongbin, I think the offer to support different OS
options is a perfect example both of what we want
and what we don't want. We definitely want to
allow for someone like yourself to maintain
templates for whatever OS they want and to have
that option be easily integrated in to a Magnum
deployment. However, when developing features or
bug fixes, we can't wait for you to have time to
add it for whatever OS you are promising to
It might be true that supporting additional OS could
slow down the development speed, but the key question is
how much the impact will be. Does it outweigh the
benefits? IMO, the impact doesn’t seem to be
significant, given the fact that most features and bug
fixes are OS agnostic. Also, keep in mind that every
features we introduced (variety of COEs, variety of Nova
virt-driver, variety of network driver, variety of
volume driver, variety of …) incurs a maintenance
overhead. If you want an optimal development speed, we
will be limited to support a single COE/virt
driver/network driver/volume driver. I guess that is not
the direction we like to be?
Instead, we would all be forced to develop the
feature for that OS as well. If every member of
the team had a special OS like that we'd all have
to maintain all of them.
To be clear, I don’t have a special OS, I guess neither
do others who disagreed in this thread.
Alternatively, what was agreed on by most at the
midcycle was that if someone like yourself wanted
to support a specific OS option, we would have an
easy place for those contributions to go without
impacting the rest of the team. The team as a
whole would agree to develop all features for at
least the reference OS.
Could we re-confirm that this is a team agreement? There
is no harm to re-confirm it in the design summit/ML/team
meeting. Frankly, it doesn’t seem to be.
Then individuals or companies who are passionate
about an alternative OS can develop the features
for that OS.
On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 12:30 AM Hongbin Lu <
hongbin.lu at huawei.com> wrote:
From: Adrian Otto [mailto:
adrian.otto at rackspace.com]
Sent: March-04-16 6:31 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not
for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum]
Discussion of supporting single/multiple OS
On Mar 4, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Steven
Dake (stdake) <stdake at cisco.com>
From: Adrian Otto <
adrian.otto at rackspace.com>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development
Mailing List (not for usage
questions)" <
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Date: Friday, March 4, 2016 at 12:48
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing
List (not for usage questions)" <
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum]
Discussion of supporting
single/multiple OS distro
To be clear, this pursuit is not
about what OS options cloud operators
can select. We will be offering a
method of choice. It has to do with
what we plan to build comprehensive
testing for,
This is easy. Once we build comprehensive
tests for the first OS, just re-run it for
other OS(s).
and the implications that has on our
pace of feature development. My
guidance here is that we resist the
temptation to create a system with
more permutations than we can
possibly support. The relation
between bay node OS, Heat Template,
Heat Template parameters, COE, and
COE dependencies (could-init, docker,
flannel, etcd, etc.) are
multiplicative in nature. From the
mid cycle, it was clear to me that:
1) We want to test at least one OS
per COE from end-to-end with
comprehensive functional tests.
2) We want to offer clear and precise
integration points to allow cloud
operators to substitute their own OS
in place of whatever one is the
default for the given COE.
A COE shouldn’t have a default
necessarily that locks out other
defaults. Magnum devs are the experts
in how these systems operate, and as
such need to take on the
responsibility of the implementation
for multi-os support.
3) We want to control the total
number of configuration permutations
to simplify our efforts as a project.
We agreed that gate testing all
possible permutations is intractable.
I disagree with this point, but I
don't have the bandwidth available to
prove it ;)
That’s exactly my point. It takes a chunk of
human bandwidth to carry that
responsibility. If we had a system engineer
assigned from each of the various upstream
OS distros working with Magnum, this would
not be a big deal. Expecting our current
contributors to support a variety of OS
variants is not realistic.
You have my promise to support an additional OS
for 1 or 2 popular COEs.
Change velocity among all the components we
rely on has been very high. We see some of
our best contributors frequently sidetracked
in the details of the distros releasing
versions of code that won’t work with ours.
We want to upgrade a component to add a new
feature, but struggle to because the new
release of the distro that offers that
component is otherwise incompatible.
Multiply this by more distros, and we expect
a real problem.
At Magnum upstream, the overhead doesn’t seem to
come from the OS. Perhaps, that is specific to
your downstream?
There is no harm if you have 30 gates
running the various combinations.
Infrastructure can handle the load. Whether
devs have the cycles to make a fully
bulletproof gate is the question I think you
answered with the word intractable.
Actually, our existing gate tests are really
stressing out our CI infra. At least one of
the new infrastructure providers that
replaced HP have equipment that runs
considerably slower. For example, our swam
functional gate now frequently fails because
it can’t finish before the allowed time
limit of 2 hours where it could finish
substantially faster before. If we expanded
the workload considerably, we might quickly
work to the detriment of other projects by
perpetually clogging the CI pipelines. We
want to be a good citizen of the openstack
CI community. Testing configuration of third
party software should be done with third
party CI setups. That’s one of the reasons
those exist. Ideally, each would be
maintained by those who have a strategic
(commercial?) interest in support for that
particular OS.
I can tell you in Kolla we spend a lot
of cycles just getting basic gating
going of building containers and then
deploying them. We have even made
inroads into testing the deployment.
We do CentOS, Ubuntu, and soon Oracle
Linux, for both source and binary and
build and deploy. Lots of gates and
if they aren't green we know the patch
is wrong.
Remember that COE’s are tested on nova
instances within heat stacks. Starting lots
of nova instances within devstack in the
gates is problematic. We are looking into
using a libvirt-lxc instance type from nova
instead of a libvirt-kvm instance to help
alleviate this. Until then, limiting the
scope of our gate tests is appropriate. We
will continue our efforts to make them
reasonably efficient.
Note that it will take a thoughtful
approach (subject to discussion) to
balance these interests. Please take
a moment to review the interest
above. Do you or others disagree with
these? If so, why?
On Mar 4, 2016, at 9:09 AM,
Hongbin Lu <
hongbin.lu at huawei.com> wrote:
I don’t think there is any
consensus on supporting single
distro. There are multiple
disagreements on this thread,
including several senior team
members and a project
co-founder. This topic should
be re-discussed (possibly at
the design summit).
Best regards,
From: Corey O'Brien [
mailto:coreypobrien at gmail.com]
Sent: March-04-16 11:37 AM
To: OpenStack Development
Mailing List (not for usage
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev]
[magnum] Discussion of
supporting single/multiple OS
I don't think anyone is saying
that code should somehow block
support for multiple distros.
The discussion at midcycle was
about what the we should gate
on and ensure feature parity
for as a team. Ideally, we'd
like to get support for every
distro, I think, but no one
wants to have that many gates.
Instead, the consensus at the
midcycle was to have 1
reference distro for each COE,
gate on those and develop
features there, and then have
any other distros be maintained
by those in the community that
are passionate about them.
The issue also isn't about how
difficult or not it is. The
problem we want to avoid is
spending precious time
guaranteeing that new features
and bug fixes make it through
multiple distros.
On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:18 AM
Steven Dake (stdake) <
stdake at cisco.com> wrote:
My position on this is simple.
Operators are used to using
specific distros because that
is what they used in the
90s,and the 00s, and the 10s.
Yes, 25 years of using a
distro, and you learn it
inside and out. This means
you don't want to relearn a
new distro, especially if your
an RPM user going to DEB or a
DEB user going to RPM. These
are non-starter options for
operators, and as a result,
mean that distro choice is a
must. Since CoreOS is a new
OS in the marketplace, it may
make sense to consider placing
it in "third" position in
terms of support.
Besides that problem, various
distribution companies will
only support distros running
in Vms if it matches the host
kernel, which makes total
sense to me. This means on an
Ubuntu host if I want support
I need to run Ubuntu vms, on a
RHEL host I want to run RHEL
vms, because, hey, I want my
issues supported.
For these reasons and these
reasons alone, there is no
good rationale to remove
multi-distro support from
Magnum. All I've heard in
this thread so far is "its too
hard". Its not too hard,
especially with Heat
conditionals making their way
into Mitaka.
From: Hongbin Lu <
hongbin.lu at huawei.com>
Reply-To: "
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
" <
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Date: Monday, February 29,
2016 at 9:40 AM
To: "
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
" <
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev]
[magnum] Discussion of
supporting single/multiple OS
Hi team,
This is a continued discussion
from a review [1]. Corey
O'Brien suggested to have
Magnum support a single OS
distro (Atomic). I disagreed.
I think we should bring the
discussion to here to get
broader set of inputs.
Corey O'Brien
From the midcycle, we decided
we weren't going to continue
to support 2 different
versions of the k8s template.
Instead, we were going to
maintain the Fedora Atomic
version of k8s and remove the
coreos templates from the
tree. I don't think we should
continue to develop features
for coreos k8s if that is
In addition, I don't think we
should break the coreos
template by adding the trust
token as a heat parameter.
Hongbin Lu
I was on the midcycle and I
don't remember any decision to
remove CoreOS support. Why you
want to remove CoreOS
templates from the tree.
Please note that this is a
very big decision and please
discuss it with the team
thoughtfully and make sure
everyone agree.
Corey O'Brien
Removing the coreos templates
was a part of the COE drivers
decision. Since each COE
driver will only support 1
distro+version+coe we
discussed which ones to
support in tree. The decision
was that instead of trying to
support every distro and every
version for every coe, the
magnum tree would only have
support for 1 version of 1
distro for each of the 3 COEs
(swarm/docker/mesos). Since we
already are going to support
Atomic for swarm, removing
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