[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Trouble mapping the Remote PXE node

Akshik dbk akshik at outlook.com
Fri Mar 11 06:59:33 UTC 2016


I'm using Fuel 7.0, trying to evaluate remote compute and node group

I've configured a remote PXE and I'm able to boot the node successfully onto the remote pxe, but while adding it to the environment and trying to configure interface I'm stuck with following error

fuel node --node-id 43 --network upload

DEPRECATION WARNING: /etc/fuel/client/config.yaml exists and will be used as the source for settings. This behavior is deprecated. Please specify the path to your custom settings file in the FUELCLIENT_CUSTOM_SETTINGS environment variable.

400 Client Error: Bad Request (Node '43': '53' network(s) are left unassigned)

the interface yams file is


pls. help
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