[openstack-dev] [all] Status of the OpenStack port to Python 3

Dmitry Tantsur dtantsur at redhat.com
Fri Jun 24 08:59:14 UTC 2016

On 06/23/2016 11:21 PM, Clark Boylan wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016, at 02:15 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> Excerpts from Thomas Goirand's message of 2016-06-23 23:04:28 +0200:
>>> On 06/23/2016 06:11 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>>>> I'd like for the community to set a goal for Ocata to have Python
>>>> 3 functional tests running for all projects.
>>>> As Tony points out, it's a bit late to have this as a priority for
>>>> Newton, though work can and should continue. But given how close
>>>> we are to having the initial phase of the port done (thanks Victor!),
>>>> and how far we are from discussions of priorities for Ocata, it
>>>> seems very reasonable to set a community-wide goal for our next
>>>> release cycle.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Doug
>>> +1
>>> Just think about it for a while. If we get Nova to work with Py3, and
>>> everything else is working, including all functional tests in Tempest,
>>> then after Otaca, we could even start to *REMOVE* Py2 support after
>>> Otaca+1. That would be really awesome to stop all the compat layer
>>> madness and use the new features available in Py3.
>> We'll need to get some input from other distros and from deployers
>> before we decide on a timeline for dropping Python 2. For now, let's
>> focus on making Python 3 work. Then we can all rejoice while having the
>> discussion of how much longer to support Python 2. :-)
>>> I really would love to ship a full stack running Py3 for Debian Stretch.
>>> However, for this, it'd be super helful to have as much visibility as
>>> possible. Are we setting a hard deadline for the Otaca release? Or is
>>> this just a goal we only "would like" to reach, but it's not really a
>>> big deal if we don't reach it?
>> Let's see what PTLs have to say about planning, but I think if not
>> Ocata then we'd want to set one for the P release. We're running
>> out of supported lifetime for Python 2.7.
> Keep in mind that there is interest in running OpenStack on PyPy which
> is python 2.7. We don't have to continue supporting CPython 2.7
> necessarily but we may want to support python 2.7 by way of PyPy.

PyPy folks have been working on python 3 support for some time already: 
It's an alpha, but by the time we consider dropping Python 2 it will 
probably be released :)

> Clark
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