[openstack-dev] [Ironic] Grenade non-voting test results

Jay Faulkner jay at jvf.cc
Fri Jun 17 20:23:05 UTC 2016

+1 lets get it voting. Feel free to add me as a reviewer to the project-config patch to make the change if you want me to vote officially :).



From: Villalovos, John L <john.l.villalovos at intel.com>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 10:49:32 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Grenade non-voting test results

TL;DR: In my opinion Grenade job is performing reliably.

Using the table at:
Note: Unable to extract the data out of the web page to do more thorough data evaluation.

The Grenade job appears to be performing successfully. On Thursday evening it may appear that grenade was failing without reason, but the cause is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1590139

This bug was fixed in master, but the patch to stable/mitaka had not yet landed. And since Grenade runs tests on stable/mitaka it continued to fail. This morning the patch to fix stable/mitaka landed and the Grenade job is passing again.

Unfortunately https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1590139 (which started around 6-June-2016) would cause random Ironic jobs to fail, as only some jobs would get sent to the new Zuul builders. Any job to the new Zuul builders would fail.  So some jobs would pass and some fail for the same patch.

I did my best to take all of that into account and in my opinion the grenade job is performing reliably. If I can figure out how to extract better statistics I will update this email.

Please let me know if you have questions or if I'm wrong :)


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