[openstack-dev] [magnum][heat] spawn a group of nodes on different availability zones

Zane Bitter zbitter at redhat.com
Thu Jun 16 10:13:49 UTC 2016

On 07/06/16 23:53, Hongbin Lu wrote:
> Hi Heat team,
> A question inline.
> Best regards,
> Hongbin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Steven Hardy [mailto:shardy at redhat.com]
>> Sent: March-03-16 3:57 AM
>> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum][heat] spawn a group of nodes on
>> different availability zones
>> On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 05:40:20PM -0500, Zane Bitter wrote:
>>> On 02/03/16 05:50, Mathieu Velten wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am looking at a way to spawn nodes in different specified
>>>> availability zones when deploying a cluster with Magnum.
>>>> Currently Magnum directly uses predefined Heat templates with Heat
>>>> parameters to handle configuration.
>>>> I tried to reach my goal by sticking to this model, however I
>>>> couldn't find a suitable Heat construct that would allow that.
>>>> Here are the details of my investigation :
>>>> - OS::Heat::ResourceGroup doesn't allow to specify a list as a
>>>> variable that would be iterated over, so we would need one
>>>> ResourceGroup by AZ
>>>> - OS::Nova::ServerGroup only allows restriction at the hypervisor
>>>> level
>>>> - OS::Heat::InstanceGroup has an AZs parameter but it is marked
>>>> unimplemented , and is CFN specific.
>>>> - OS::Nova::HostAggregate only seems to allow adding some metadatas
>>>> to a group of hosts in a defined availability zone
>>>> - repeat function only works inside the properties section of a
>>>> resource and can't be used at the resource level itself, hence
>>>> something like that is not allowed :
>>>> resources:
>>>>    repeat:
>>>>      for_each:
>>>>        <%az%>: { get_param: availability_zones }
>>>>      template:
>>>>        rg-<%az%>:
>>>>          type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
>>>>          properties:
>>>>            count: 2
>>>>            resource_def:
>>>>              type: hot_single_server.yaml
>>>>              properties:
>>>>                availability_zone: <%az%>
>>>> The only possibility that I see is generating a ResourceGroup by AZ,
>>>> but it would induce some big changes in Magnum to handle
>>>> modification/generation of templates.
>>>> Any ideas ?
>>> This is a long-standing missing feature in Heat. There are two
>>> blueprints for this (I'm not sure why):
>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/autoscaling-
>> availabilityzo
>>> nes-impl
>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/implement-
>> autoscalinggroup
>>> -availabilityzones
>>> The latter had a spec with quite a lot of discussion:
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/105907
>>> And even an attempted implementation:
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116139/
>>> which was making some progress but is long out of date and would need
>>> serious work to rebase. The good news is that some of the changes I
>>> made in Liberty like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213555/ should
>>> hopefully make it simpler.
>>> All of which is to say, if you want to help then I think it would be
>>> totally do-able to land support for this relatively early in Newton :)
>>> Failing that, the only think I can think to try is something I am
>>> pretty sure won't work: a ResourceGroup with something like:
>>>    availability_zone: {get_param: [AZ_map, "%i"]}
>>> where AZ_map looks something like {"0": "az-1", "1": "az-2", "2":
>>> "az-1", ...} and you're using the member index to pick out the AZ to
>>> use from the parameter. I don't think that works (if "%i" is resolved
>>> after get_param then it won't, and I suspect that's the case) but
>> it's
>>> worth a try if you need a solution in Mitaka.
>> Yeah, this won't work if you attempt to do the map/index lookup in the
>> top-level template where the ResourceGroup is defined, but it *does*
>> work if you pass both the map and the index into the nested stack, e.g
>> something like this (untested):
>> $ cat rg_az_map.yaml
>> heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
>> parameters:
>>    az_map:
>>      type: json
>>      default:
>>        '0': az1
>>        '1': az2
>> resources:
>>   AGroup:
>>      type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
>>      properties:
>>        count: 2
>>        resource_def:
>>          type: server_mapped_az.yaml
>>          properties:
>>            availability_zone_map: {get_param: az_map}
>>            index: '%index%'
>> $ cat server_mapped_az.yaml
>> heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
>> parameters:
>>    availability_zone_map:
>>      type: json
>>    index:
>>      type: string
>> resources:
>>   server:
>>      type: OS::Nova::Server
>>      properties:
>>        image: the_image
>>        flavor: m1.foo
>>        availability_zone: {get_param: [availability_zone_map, {get_param:
>> index}]}
> This is nice. It seems to address our heterogeneity requirement at *deploy* time. However, I wonder what is the runtime behavior. For example, I deploy a stack by:
> $ heat stack-create -f rg_az_map.yaml -P az_map='{"0":"az1","1":"az2"}'
> Then, I want to remove a sever by:
> $ heat stack-update -f rg_az_map.yaml -P az_map='{"0":"az1"}'
> Will Heat remove resources in index "1" only (with resources in index "0" untouched)? Also, I wonder if we can dynamically add resources (with existing resources untouched). For example, add a server by:
> $ heat stack-update -f rg_az_map.yaml -P az_map='{"0":"az1","1":"az2","2":"az3"}'

Removing members from the end of a ResourceGroup works fairly well. It's 
when you have to remove members from anywhere else in the list that 
things go very very bad very very quickly, which is the reason that I 
don't recommend ResourceGroup to anybody.

> In addition, I want to point out that spreading the availability zones is not the only use case. Magnum has generic use cases to manage heterogeneous set of resources. For example:
> $ heat stack-create -f rg_az_map.yaml -P az_map='{"resource_gorup_1":{"availability_zone":"az1","count":"2","flavor":"m1.foo",...},"resource_gorup_2":{"availability_zone":"az2","count":"3","flavor":"m2.foo",...},...}"
> Is it a reasonable to expect Heat to support that?

IMHO no, it's not. If you want a stack of heterogeneous resources, just 
create a template with a bunch of heterogeneous resources. (We're hoping 
to build a library[1] that will make this even easier, but it's pretty 
straightforward even without that.)

Think of ResourceGroup and even Autoscaling groups as the world's 
dumbest template generator. The reason to use them is if you need to 
orchestration capabilities that they have tightly integrated with Heat - 
e.g. batched rolling upgrades. Turning them into general-purpose 
template generators is very much beside the point and the results will 
never be entirely satisfactory.


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/328822/

>> FWIW we already use this technique in some TripleO templates, and it
>> works pretty well.
>> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-
>> templates/blob/master/network/ports/external_from_pool.yaml#L35
>> Steve
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