[openstack-dev] [ironic] [infra] [qa] Graphs of how long jobs take?

Jay Faulkner jay at jvf.cc
Wed Jun 8 22:56:33 UTC 2016

Hey all,

As you may recall, recently Ironic was changed to use iPXE and TinyIPA 
in the jobs, as part of an attempt to get the jobs to use less ram and 
perhaps even run more quickly in the short run. However, when I tried to 
make a graph at graphite.openstack.org showing the duration of the jobs, 
it doesn't look like that metric was available 
appears to only track the job result).

Is there a common or documented way or tool to graph duration of jobs so 
I can see the real impact of this change?

Thanks a bunch,

Jay Faulkner


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