[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] Base code to use
pramchan at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 8 18:26:06 UTC 2016
Hi all,Appreciate the initiative taken by individuals to join and discuss the possibility of using codes from different Cloudlet projects.We know the requirements cross the boundaries of Nova and Neutron and hence the chalenge is to ensure we have a better specification.Thus reviewing codes will give us the state of ark of Cloudlet, but we need to persue ause case that will be simple and commercially useful for providers to use the megdwar cloudlet platform as a service. The Edge Cloud Services differ from Central cloud even under MEC, OEC, OpenFog to name a few. IOT archietcures require an Aggregator and host gateway at edge to offer IOT services. Thus all road lead to Edge Application gateway services. Lets first study few we have at hand and plan for code init and migrations accordingly.refer
Here are details and lets debate till next meetingNext meeting: Meghdwar on irc June 15th 7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwarMeetings: Wednesday's from 7-8am PDT (Wed 14:00-15:00 UTC) irc Channel : #openstack-meghdwarMeghdwar-irc June 8th 7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwar summaryTopic : What is meghdwarlink https://launchpad.net/meghdwar This is a follow up project to create a project for Edge Cloud Services im Openstack Earlier effort for a Micro Service API as Cloud let failed link https://launchpad.net/cloudlet Cloudlet as defined by CMU/OEC is a VM at the edge supporting AR/VR applications In a three tier the client is an UE/Mobile equipment/Smartphone with client and connecting to edge Cloudlet The edge cloudlet serves the AR/VR application from within the VM The Central Cloud is where you may register and downlaod applications or apps link http://beyondtheclouds.github.io/ Review the Video of Discovery initiative, mainly supported through the Inria Project Labs program and the I/O labs, a joint lab between Inria and Orange Labs. The aim of project is to try build sustainable (power reduction) network Pops distrubuted as IaaS.The 8 minute video shows how openstack is used to deliver the Discovery service with Nova and Redis in-meory data structure stores. link https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01320235 Revising OpenStack Internals to Operate Massively Distributed Clouds is on this link.action on satyak - Support to resolve Devstack ticket for Mitaka action on prakash - Ask Kiryong Ha CMU to provide bitucket access to Cloudlet code for Proevisioning and Openstack projects in CMU ija or OEC action on prakash/ad_rien - Review beyondclouds.github.io and work with ad_rien to see if we can use it along CMU/OEC Cloudlet or independednt of itNext meeting same time Wednesday 7AM-8 AM PDT /Attendees: ad_rien: adrien.lebre at inria.fr pramchan: pramchan at yahoo.com narinder: narinder.gupta at canonical.com satyak: satyavittal at gmail.com
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