[openstack-dev] [trove] Trove Newton spec proposal deadline
Amrith Kumar
amrith at tesora.com
Mon Jun 6 13:12:02 UTC 2016
This week, June 6-10 is R-17 for Newton and marks the deadline for the proposal of any specs for features to be considered for the Newton cycle.
Please get all specs into the trove-specs repository as soon as possible.
The following specs [1] are currently proposed and in need of review.
315079 RPC API Versioning
302416 Instance Upgrade
323989 Add support for dsv-volume-type mappings
313780 Persist last error message and display on 'show'
315619 Superconductor Spec
306620 Using Cinder snapshot as Trove backups
295274 Separate trove image build project based on libguestfs tools
307883 Extend Trove to allow for other compute backends
302952 extending trove to better utilize storage capabilities
294213 Multi-Region Support
256079 Add support for hbase in Trove
If you are not actively pursuing a particular spec for consideration in Newton, please mark it as such so we can focus review efforts on the specs that are immediately required for this release.
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/trove-specs+status:open
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