[openstack-dev] [kolla] prototype of a DSL for generating Dockerfiles
Michał Jastrzębski
inc007 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 20:55:50 UTC 2016
Aaaand correct link: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/323589/ sorry
for pastefail.
On 1 June 2016 at 15:55, Michał Jastrzębski <inc007 at gmail.com> wrote:
> So this is prototype of working template overrides:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/323612/
> Pass --template-overrides=path-to-file to build.py
> in file override you can add any custom code/logic/dockerfile stuff to
> any of hooks we provide in Dockerfiles, and we'll provide a lot of
> them as it's free and non breaking operation. With enough block you'll
> be able to do virtually anything with any of the containers.
> This one is already working. Only work needed is to provide more
> hooks/continue with refactoring of dockerfiles.
> Cheers,
> Michal
> On 31 May 2016 at 19:36, Steven Dake (stdake) <stdake at cisco.com> wrote:
>> On 5/31/16, 1:42 PM, "Michał Jastrzębski" <inc007 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>I am opposed to this idea as I don't think we need this. We can solve
>>>many problems by using jinja2 to greater extend. I'll publish demo of
>>>few improvements soon, please bear with me before we make a
>>>arch-changing call.
>> Can you make a specification please as you have asked me to do?
>>>On 29 May 2016 at 14:41, Steven Dake (stdake) <stdake at cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>On 5/27/16, 1:58 AM, "Steven Dake (stdake)" <stdake at cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>>On 5/26/16, 8:45 PM, "Swapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap)" <me at coolsvap.net>
>>>>>>>On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Steven Dake (stdake)
>>>>>>><stdake at cisco.com>
>>>>>>>> Hey folks,
>>>>>>>> While Swapnil has been busy churning the dockerfile.j2 files to all
>>>>>>>> the same style, and we also had summit where we declared we would
>>>>>>>> plugin problem, I have decided to begin work on a DSL prototype.
>>>>>>>> Here are the problems I want to solve in order of importance by this
>>>>>>>> Build CentOS, Ubuntu, Oracle Linux, Debian, Fedora containers
>>>>>>>> Provide a programmatic way to manage Dockerfile construction rather
>>>>>>>>then a
>>>>>>>> manual (with vi or emacs or the like) mechanism
>>>>>>>> Allow complete overrides of every facet of Dockerfile construction,
>>>>>>>> especially repositories per container (rather than in the base
>>>>>>>>container) to
>>>>>>>> permit the use case of dependencies from one version with
>>>>>>>> another version of a different service
>>>>>>>> Get out of the business of maintaining 100+ dockerfiles but instead
>>>>>>>> one master file which defines the data that needs to be used to
>>>>>>>> Dockerfiles
>>>>>>>> Permit different types of optimizations or Dockerfile building by
>>>>>>>> around the parser implementation to allow layering of each
>>>>>>>> alternatively to merge layers as we do today
>>>>>>>> I don't believe we can proceed with both binary and source plugins
>>>>>>>>given our
>>>>>>>> current implementation of Dockerfiles in any sane way.
>>>>>>>> I further don't believe it is possible to customize repositories &
>>>>>>>> files per container, which I receive increasing requests for
>>>>>>>> To that end, I've created a very very rough prototype which builds
>>>>>>>> container as well as a mariadb container. The mariadb container
>>>>>>>> I suspect would work.
>>>>>>>> An example of the DSL usage is here:
>>>>>>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/321468/4/dockerdsl/dsl.yml
>>>>>>>> A very poorly written parser is here:
>>>>>>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/321468/4/dockerdsl/load.py
>>>>>>>> I played around with INI as a format, to take advantage of
>>>>>>>> kolla-build.conf, but that didn't work out. YML is the way to go.
>>>>>>>> I'd appreciate reviews on the YML implementation especially.
>>>>>>>> How I see this work progressing is as follows:
>>>>>>>> A yml file describing all docker containers for all distros is
>>>>>>>> kolla/docker
>>>>>>>> The build tool adds an option ‹use-yml which uses the YML file
>>>>>>>> A parser (such as load.py above) is integrated into build.py to lay
>>>>>>>>down he
>>>>>>>> Dockerfiles
>>>>>>>> Wait 4-6 weeks for people to find bugs and complain
>>>>>>>> Make the ‹use-yml the default for 4-6 weeks
>>>>>>>> Once we feel confident in the yml implementation, remove all
>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>> Remove ‹use-yml option
>>>>>>>> Remove all jinja2-isms from build.py
>>>>>>>> This is similar to the work that took place to convert from raw
>>>>>>>> to Dockerfile.j2 files. We are just reusing that pattern.
>>>>>>>> will be the last major refactor of the dockerfiles unless someone
>>>>>>>> significant complaints about the approach.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> -steve
>> Hey folks,
>> I have produced a specification for Kolla's DSL (which I call Elemental).
>> The spec is ready for review here:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/323612/
>> Regards
>> -steve
>>>> On 5/27/16, 3:44 AM, "Britt Houser (bhouser)" <bhouser at cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>I admit I'm not as knowledgable about the Kolla codebase as I'd like to
>>>>>be, so most of what you're saying is going over my head. I think mainly
>>>>>I don't understand the problem statement. It looks like you're pulling
>>>>>all the "hard coded" things out of the docker files, and making them
>>>>>replaceable? So the dockerfiles just become a list of required steps,
>>>>>and the user can change how each step is implemented? Would this also
>>>>>unify the dockefiles so there wouldn't be a huge if statements between
>>>>>Centos and Ubuntu?
>>>> What is being pulled out is all of the metadata used by the Dockerfiles
>>>> Kolla in general. This metadata, being structured either as a
>>>> or ordered list, can be manipulated by simple python tools to do things
>>>> like merge sections and override sections or optimize the built images.
>>>> FWIW it looks without even trying the Dockerfiles produce a 50MB smaller
>>>> image produced by the parser. The jinja2 templates we have today cannot
>>>> be easily overridden. We have to provide a new key for each type of
>>>> override, which is super onerous on the build.py tool.
>>>> To your question of docker files being a list of required steps, with
>>>> method Dockerfile.j2 would go away permanently. On each bulid, as is
>>>> now to process a jinja2 file into a Dockerfile, the elemental.yml file
>>>> would be processed into a Dockerfile for that particular set of build
>>>> options.
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>>>>>>>The DSL template to generate the Dockerfile seems way better than the
>>>>>>>jinja templates in terms of extension which is currently a major
>>>>>>>bottleneck in the plugin implementation. I am +2+W on this plan of
>>>>>>>action to test it for next 4-6 weeks and see thereon.
>>>>>>Customization and plugins are the trigger for the work. I was thinking
>>>>>>the following:
>>>>>>Elemental.yml (ships with Kolla)
>>>>>>Elemental-merge.yml (operator provides in /etc/kolla, this file is yaml
>>>>>>merged with elemental.yml)
>>>>>>Elemental-override.yml (operator provides in /etc/kolla, this file
>>>>>>overrides any YAML sections defined)
>>>>>>I think merging and overriding the yaml files should be pretty easy,
>>>>>>compared to jinja2, where I don't even know where to begin in a way
>>>>>>the operator doesn't have to have deep knowledge of Kolla's internal
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