[openstack-dev] [puppet] Propose Sofer Athlan-Guyot (chem) part of Puppet OpenStack core

Sebastien Badia seb at sebian.fr
Sun Jul 31 13:40:22 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:16:17AM (-0400), Emilien Macchi wrote:
> You might not know who Sofer is but he's actually "chem" on IRC.
> He's the guy who will find the root cause of insane bugs, in OpenStack
> in general but also in Puppet OpenStack modules.
> Sofer has been working on Puppet OpenStack modules for a while now,
> and is already core in puppet-keystone. Many times he brought his
> expertise to make our modules better.
> He's always here on IRC to help folks and has excellent understanding
> at how our project works.
> If you want stats:
> http://stackalytics.com/?user_id=sofer-athlan-guyot&metric=commits
> I'm quite sure Sofer will make more reviews over the time but I have
> no doubt he fully deserves to be part of core reviewers now, with his
> technical experience and involvement.
> As usual, it's an open decision, please vote +1/-1 about this proposal.


I'm not puppet-openstack core anymore, but I already worked with Sofer, and
I think it's very valuable for the team to have him as core!

Thanks Sofer for all your work and engagement since the beginning!

A big +1 for me!


Sebastien Badia
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