[openstack-dev] [release] Independent tag and stable branches

Tony Breeds tony at bakeyournoodle.com
Tue Jul 26 15:19:22 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 03:51:19PM +0200, Julien Danjou wrote:
> Hi release team,
> So I'm about to release Gnocchi 2.2.0. I'd expect to have a stable/2.2
> branch. Is this going to happen? Based on the format of the YAML file,
> I'm not sure this scenario is handled.

Note, I'm clearly note a release manager and I'm not signing anyone up for
work, I was curious so I had a look for how this would be handled.

I think you're right the code/data in openstack/releases wouldn't handle your

Which is probably something that needs to change however it'd be bad to hold up
your release while that integration code is being written.  In the near term I
think it'll boil down to:
- A release manager to run make_stable_branch.sh (from
  openstack-infra/release-tools) to create your stable/2.2 branch
- Using the std. release tools to tag the release.  Worst case it'd be running
  release.sh by hand.

Yours Tony.
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