[openstack-dev] [Kuryr] Kuryr IRC Meeting time

Vikas Choudhary choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 12:37:28 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Antoni Segura Puimedon <
toni+openstackml at midokura.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Vikas Choudhary <
> choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1
>> On 26 Jul 2016 15:45, "Liping Mao (limao)" <limao at cisco.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Team,
>>> Currently, kuryr team meeting time is as following:
>>> Every two weeks (on even weeks) on Tuesday at 0300 UTC in
>>> #openstack-meeting-4
>>> Every two weeks (on odd weeks) on Monday at 1400 UTC in
>>> #openstack-meeting-4
>>> But seems like there are less people join the meeting on Tuesday at 0300
>>> UTC.
>>> You can see[1], we did not start the meeting at 0300 UTC for two times
>>> recently.
>>> IMO, If the time is not suitable for attendee, what about change the
>>> meeting time(0300 UTC)?
> Sounds good to me. Could the people that used to attend it (and those who
> would like to)
> propose times that suit them?
Its not happening because of 'Chair' unavailability. So I think, we should
first discuss who can be alternate chair in case Taku is not there. We
chose this time slot so that team members from almost all time zones would
be able to attend atleast bi-weekly.

>>> Thanks.
>>> [1]http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/kuryr/2016/
>>> Regards,
>>> Liping Mao
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