[openstack-dev] [app-catalog][murano] Dashboards

Kirill Zaitsev kzaitsev at mirantis.com
Wed Jul 6 23:40:35 UTC 2016

Back in Austin we’ve agreed to start bringing murano-dashboard and app-catalog-ui horizon dashboards closer to each other. See the etherpad [1] for more context and to refresh what we’ve been talking about. Since murano-dashboard is mostly a python project and app-catalog-ui is mostly a javascript/angular project moving them now to a single code base doesn’t make much sense to me =) However we can start working towards moving under a common namespace/dashboard in horizon.

In Austin we agreed to see if that is possible/feasible to do. I’ve uploaded two patches for review [2] that do exactly that. Both of them are currently WIP, but despite that they show that we can fit our panels under one horizon-dashboard (I took the liberty of naming it «Applications"). There is also a short gif, that shows my dev horizon environment [3].

We haven’t decided the exact layout in Austin, so I would like to kickstart that discussion. I’ve drafted a small etherpad[4], that I suggest we could use to share ideas.

Would really appreciate if you guys would find a couple of minutes of your time to think about the layout for our dashboards and put those thoughts in the etherpad.

P.S. The other part where we agreed to collaborate on naming was the OSC command namespaces. I do remember talking about the names, but can’t remember if we have agreed on anything specific. So this might be a good opportunity to also figure this question out.

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/AUS-app-catalog 
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:applications-dashboard  
[3] https://www.dropbox.com/s/26sfxpoc9hd8gi7/shared_dashboard.gif?dl=0  
[4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/apps-dashboard-structure 

Kirill Zaitsev
Murano Project Tech Lead
Software Engineer at
Mirantis, Inc
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