[openstack-dev] [tripleo] TripleO CI mentoring

Steven Hardy shardy at redhat.com
Tue Jul 5 17:06:05 UTC 2016

Hi all,

At last weeks meeting, we discussed the idea of some sort of rotation where
folks would volunteer their time to both help fix CI when it breaks, and
also pass on some of the accrued knowledge within the team to newer folks
wishing to learn.

I'm hoping this will achive a few things:
- Reduce the load on the subset of folks constantly fixing CI by getting
  more people involved and familiar
- Identify areas where we need to document better so 1-1 mentoring isn't
  needed in the future.

Note that this is explicitly *not* about volunteering to be the one person
that fixes all-the-things in CI, everyone is still encouraged to do that,
it's more about finding folks willing to set aside some time to be
responsive on IRC, act as a point of contact, and take some extra time to
pass on knowledge around the series of steps we take when a trunk
regression or other CI related issue occurs.

I started this etherpad:


I'd suggest we start from the week after the n-2 milestone, and I've
volunteered as the first mentor for that week.

Feel free to update if you're willing in participating in the ongoing task
of keeping TripleO CI running smoothly in any capacity, and hopefully we
can get more folks involved and communicating.

If anyone has any thoughts around this process feel free to reply here and
we can hopefully refine things so they are helpful to folks.



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