[openstack-dev] [release] the meaning of the release:managed tag now that everything is released:managed

Steven Dake (stdake) stdake at cisco.com
Fri Jul 1 00:36:18 UTC 2016

On 6/30/16, 10:22 AM, "Jeremy Stanley" <fungi at yuggoth.org> wrote:

>On 2016-06-30 14:07:53 +0000 (+0000), Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:
>> If it does have some special meaning or requirements beyond the
>> "we will freeze on the freeze deadline" could someone enumerate
>> those?
>As far as I know it still means that release activities for the
>deliverable are handled by the Release Management team. A quick
>parsing of the projects.yaml indicates that only ~21% (125 out of
>582) of the deliverables for official projects have that tag
>Jeremy Stanley


Thanks for the quick response.  So just to clarify, the release team for
release:managed does not rely on the release liaison to produce the sha
hash to release with?  I'm satisfied with a release tagging happening
anytime during the week for Kolla of the release milestone weeks from tip
of master.  The branching at milestone 3 we already do.  I'd have to taek
the freeze up with a vote of the core reviewer team.  Are there other

Does the release team have the bandwidth to handle tagging another
repository during release milestones?  If so, I'll get the ball rolling on
the voting and the governance changes.

Thanks for any input or clarity folks may provide.


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