[openstack-dev] [oslo] Sachi King for oslo core

Brant Knudson blk at acm.org
Mon Jan 25 14:10:41 UTC 2016

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 8:51 PM, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net>

> Hey, so I'd like to propose Sachi - one of my HPE colleages who has
> been helping out with pbr for a while now, for oslo core. pbr is
> pretty quiet as you know, so its a bit hard to assess her work based
> on reviews done - but I think her error rate will be
> approximately the same as mine - pbr is such a minefield that everyone
> will make mistakes, but she is thoughtful and has been burnt enough by
> the minefield that she's developing quite the paranoia about
> interactions in the wild. \o/
> I'd actually like to propose her for oslo core, not just pbr: though she
> doesn't have a big track record there outside of pbr, I don't see much
> point in restricting her to just pbr - she's very
> diligent and I'm sure if we offered it she'd do more for oslo code
> review than I've managed to. I have asked her if she's interested, and
> if she could commit to doing some reviews in oslo outside of pbr
> itself - which she has said she is and can.
> -Rob
> --
> Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hpe.com>
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud
+1 from me. Thanks!

- Brant
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