[openstack-dev] [defcore] Determine latest set of tests for a given release
Mark Voelker
mvoelker at vmware.com
Thu Jan 14 17:29:47 UTC 2016
This depends a little on what your objective is. If you’re looking for the tests that a product must pass today if it wants an OpenStack Powered logo/trademark agreement, you’ll want to look at either of the two most recently-approved DefCore Guidelines (currently 2015.5 and 2015.07, though the Board will be voting on 2016.01 by the end of the month). If you just want to find out what Guidelines might have covered a product built on an arbitrary OpenStack release in the past, you’ll need to go straight to the JSON. The two most recently approved Guidelines are generally listed on the Foundation’s interop page if that’s helpful:
If you’re looking for more programmatic methods, the .json files are the authoritative data source. In particular you’ll want to check these keys:
"status": "approved”, # can be draft, review, approved or superseded [see 2015B C6.3]
"releases": ["icehouse", "juno", "kilo”], # array of releases, lower case (generally three releases)
The schema for the JSON files is documented here:
The schema version used is also listed in the JSON files themselves with this key:
"schema": "1.4”,
The tests for a given Guideline are also in the 20xx.json files, and as a convenience there are also required/flaggged lists in plaintext in each Guideline’s working directory, such as:
If you’re writing code to grock all that sort of info though, I suspect you could re-use (or at least take inspiration from) a lot of the code that’s already been written into RefStack, since it can already parse most or all of the above (see the Community Results section of restack.openstack.org or it’s corresponding git repo). Hope that helps!
At Your Service,
Mark T. Voelker
> On Jan 14, 2016, at 12:02 PM, Hugh Saunders <hugh at wherenow.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Whats the most reliable way to determine the latest set of required defcore tests for a given release?
> For example, I would currently use 2015.07/2015.07.required.txt but I don't want to have to update that url each time there is a defcore release.
> I could parse 20*.json in the root of the defcore repo, but that seems brittle.
> Thanks.
> --
> Hugh Saunders
> --
> --
> Hugh Saunders __________________________________________________________________________
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