[openstack-dev] [neutron] Testing Neutron with latest OVS

Sean M. Collins sean at coreitpro.com
Wed Jan 13 22:47:21 UTC 2016

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 03:57:37PM CST, Mooney, Sean K wrote:
> One of the ideas that I have been thinking about over the last month or two is do we
> Want to create a dedicated library file in devstack to support compilation and installation
> Of ovs. 

So, my suggestion is as follows: create a new devstack plugin that is
*specifically* geared towards just compiling OVS and installing it to
get the bits that you need. I'm just concerned about the feature creep
that is happening in the Neutron DevStack plugin ( which I didn't like in
the first place ) where now every little thing is getting proposed
against it.

I'd prefer to see small, very specific DevStack plugins that have narrow
focus, and jobs that need them for specific things adding them to their
local.conf settings explicitly via enable_repo lines.

The concern I have with compiling bleeding edge OVS and then running our
Neutron jobs is that yes, we get new features, but yes we also get
the newest bugs and the configuration matrix for Neutron now gets a new
dimension of 'packaged OVS versus git commit SHA'

Sean M. Collins

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