[openstack-dev] [glance] Seeking FFE for "Add CIM namespace metadata definitions"

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Fri Jan 8 14:37:57 UTC 2016

O 04/01/16 20:46 +0000, Bhandaru, Malini K wrote:
>Hello Glance Team!
>                Hope you had a wonderful vacation and wishing you health and
>happiness for 2016.
>Would very much appreciate your considering https://review.openstack.org/259694
>for a feature freeze exception.
>Thank you to Travis Tripp for chiming in. Searchlight APIs will provide elastic
>search capability, and users such as Horizon can leverage these.
>Supporting CIM namespace thus requires just importing the namespace tags and we
>already have a PoC implementation by Lin, which is how
>we were able to generate the graphics in Horizon that were attached to the
>spec. Would appreciate core votes to approve this spec.

Hi Malini,

Given the short notice on the spec and the fact that not many members
of the Glance team had a chance to read it before the spec freeze, I
think it'll be hard to justify a spec freeze exception for this one.

Hope you understand,

Flavio Percoco
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