[openstack-dev] [all] Ocata Bugsmash

Liyongle (Fred) liyongle at huawei.com
Wed Dec 7 03:53:54 UTC 2016

Hi Sean, 

Thanks again for your contribution to this Bug Smash in China. This was the 5th Smash in China and this activity will continue in each release cycle. 

Hope more and more engineers and companies could join the activities. If we can work in the same week, the activity will be more productive. 

Best Regards. 

Fred (李永乐)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean McGinnis [mailto:sean.mcginnis at gmx.com] 
Sent: 2016年12月7日 3:15
To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] [all] Ocata Bugsmash

Last week was the Ocata Bugsmash in Shenzhen, China. Many developers from around China gathered to debug, test, and fix a large number of bugs across many of the most popular projects.

I wanted to take an opportunity to thank Huawei, Intel, and everyone involved for making this event happen. It was great seeing so much focused attention on addressing our outstanding bugs, and I felt the event was very productive. Really great work done by the Chinese OpenStack community.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to spread the word about the event to others interested in being involved and any other companies that would be interested in running this type of event in other countries. I think a couple releases ago, things were able to be coordinated in at least a couple other locations.

As a PTL and core for Cinder, I would love to see this picked up again and make a bugsmash week happen every cycle across multiple locations. Just seeing how much the one group could get done in China - I can just imagine how much could be accomplished by a larger extended effort.

I have no involvement in the organizing or planning of this event, but if any vendors are interested in spreading this into a larger event, feel free to contact me directly for any feedback and thoughts from a participant perspective.

But I want to make sure full credit for this goes to Huawei and Intel for sponsoring this for five cycles in a row. In my opinion, it's a very valuable event to bring devs together from all over and really focus on improving OpenStack. Thank you again to all involved in making it happen.

Sean (smcginnis)

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