[openstack-dev] [new][nova] python-novaclient 6.0.0 release (newton)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Aug 31 09:27:54 UTC 2016
We are content to announce the release of:
python-novaclient 6.0.0: Client library for OpenStack Compute API
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
With package available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
New Features
* The 2.37 microversion is now supported. This introduces the
following changes:
* CLI: The **--nic** value for the **nova boot** command now takes
special values, 'auto' and 'none'. If --nic is not specified,
the CLI defaults to 'auto'.
* Python API: The **nics** kwarg is required when creating a
server using
the *novaclient.v2.servers.ServerManager.create* API. The
**nics** value can be a list of dicts or a string with value
'auto' or 'none'.
Upgrade Notes
* The ability to update the following network-related resources via
the "nova quota-update" and "nova quota-class-update" commands is
now deprecated:
* Fixed IPs
* Floating IPs
* Security Groups
* Security Group Rules
By default the quota and limits CLIs will not update or show those
resources using microversion >= 2.36. You can still use them,
however, by specifying "--os-compute-api-version 2.35". Quota
information for network resources should be retrieved from python-
neutronclient or python-openstackclient.
* With the 2.37 microversion, the **nics** kwarg is required when
creating a server using the
*novaclient.v2.servers.ServerManager.create* API. The **nics** value
can be a list of dicts or an enum string with one of the following
* **auto**: This tells the Compute service to automatically
allocate a network for the project if one is not available and
then associate an IP from that network with the server. This is
the same behavior as passing nics=None before the 2.37
* **none**: This tells the Compute service to not allocate any
networking for the server.
Deprecation Notes
* The following commands are now deprecated:
* dns-create
* dns-create-private-domain
* dns-create-public-domain
* dns-delete
* dns-delete-domain
* dns-domains
* dns-list
* fixed-ip-get
* fixed-ip-reserve
* fixed-ip-unreserve
* floating-ip-create
* floating-ip-delete
* floating-ip-list
* floating-ip-pool-list
* floating-ip-bulk-create
* floating-ip-bulk-delete
* floating-ip-bulk-list
* network-create
* network-delete
* network-disassociate
* network-associate-host
* network-associate-project
* network-list
* network-show
* scrub
* secgroup-create
* secgroup-delete
* secgroup-list
* secgroup-update
* secgroup-add-group-rule
* secgroup-delete-group-rule
* secgroup-add-rule
* secgroup-delete-rule
* secgroup-list-rules
* secgroup-list-default-rules
* secgroup-add-default-rule
* secgroup-delete-default-rule
* tenant-network-create
* tenant-network-delete
* tenant-network-list
* tenant-network-show
With the 2.36 microversion these will fail in the API. The CLI will
fallback to passing the 2.35 microversion to ease the transition.
Network resource information should be retrieved from python-
neutronclient or python-openstackclient.
Changes in python-novaclient 5.1.0..6.0.0
c915a02 Fix test_trigger_crash_dump_in_locked_state_nonadmin test
f7dc91d Fixes TypeError on Client instantiation
8ebf859 Updated from global requirements
7d72ed2 Updated from global requirements
744c9b6 Replace functions 'Dict.get' and 'del' with 'Dict.pop'
8751475 Removed unused 'install_venv' module
a14e30e [functional] Do not discover same resources for every test
3b834f2 functional tests fail if cirros image not exist
7a2c412 Updated from global requirements
01de5a9 Pick first image if can't find the specific image
030ce53 Add support for v2.37 and auto-allocated networking
20b721e Cap image API deprecated methods at 2.35
4215e3f Cap baremetal python APIs at 2.35
aaebeb0 Deprecate all the nova-network functions in the python API
578c398 Deprecate network-* commands and clamp to microversion 2.35
9c5c8a6 [functional] Skip tests if API doesn't support microversion
c3b5365 Updated from global requirements
65c1fba Store api_version object in one place
4f0871f Add eggs to gitignore list
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.gitignore | 1 +
novaclient/__init__.py | 2 +-
novaclient/api_versions.py | 22 ++
novaclient/client.py | 3 +-
novaclient/v2/client.py | 12 +-
novaclient/v2/contrib/baremetal.py | 4 +
novaclient/v2/contrib/tenant_networks.py | 18 +-
novaclient/v2/fixed_ips.py | 12 +-
novaclient/v2/floating_ip_dns.py | 52 +++-
novaclient/v2/floating_ip_pools.py | 7 +-
novaclient/v2/floating_ips.py | 18 +-
novaclient/v2/floating_ips_bulk.py | 14 +-
novaclient/v2/fping.py | 11 +-
novaclient/v2/images.py | 11 +
novaclient/v2/networks.py | 32 ++-
novaclient/v2/security_group_default_rules.py | 15 +-
novaclient/v2/security_group_rules.py | 14 +-
novaclient/v2/security_groups.py | 24 +-
novaclient/v2/servers.py | 71 +++--
novaclient/v2/shell.py | 292 ++++++++++++++++++++-
.../deprecate-network-cli-f0a539528be594d3.yaml | 67 +++++
.../notes/microversion-2.37-d03da96406a45e67.yaml | 27 ++
test-requirements.txt | 6 +-
tools/install_venv.py | 74 ------
48 files changed, 1149 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 34c9e20..b7bb0e9 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6 +6 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-bandit>=1.0.1 # Apache-2.0
+bandit>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -13 +13 @@ python-cinderclient!=1.7.0,!=1.7.1,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-glanceclient!=2.4.0,>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -16 +16 @@ sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD
-os-client-config!=1.19.0,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
+os-client-config!=1.19.0,!=1.19.1,!=1.20.0,!=1.20.1,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
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