[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Need Help in adding multiple External networks in Fuel 9.0

Sergey Vasilenko svasilenko at mirantis.com
Tue Aug 23 10:21:54 UTC 2016

> eth0 : Admin ( PXE), Management (101), Storage (102), Internal (1000-1030)
> eth1 : External ( Public )
> eth2 : None
> I am using *fuel 9.0* and i want to use provider network / Multiple
> external networks with fuel. i had vlan networks on *eth1* as below
> *eth1 : <> ( Native ),
> <> ( Trunk, 201 tagged ).
> <> ( Trunk, 202 tagged )*
> How i can add other two networks( 201, 202 ) to my cloud as external
> network. appreciate anyone help on this.

For creating tagged vlans over external network you should:
1. modify /etc/neutron/plugin.ini to add vlan-range for physnet1, (ex:
= physnet1:201:202) and restart neutron-server on all controller nodes
2. Create additional floating networks by  Neutron API, ex: neutron
net-create floating201 --tenant-id=8a1d1a6f96db4beeb964a285e2a95413
 --router:external=true --provider:physical_network=physnet1
--provider:network_type=vlan --provider:segmentation_id=201
3. Create subnet for network above (ex: neutron subnet-create xxx1
--name=floating201_subnet --cidr=
--network-id=8859c63e-c8e1-422c-9cda-d3e9d5ab6a20 --enable_dhcp=False
4. Create router for handle SNAT:
    # neutron router-create router201
    # neutron router-gateway-set router201 floating201
    # neutron router-interface-add router201 your_internal_net
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