[openstack-dev] [meghdwar] use case for meghdwar API - Continuing email discussions (CANCELLED-Meeting 24th Aug)

prakash RAMCHANDRAN pramchan at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 23 04:12:25 UTC 2016

Hi all,

CANCELLED: Meeting Wednesday 24th August      (14 Hr-15 Hr UTC )   [7AM-8AM PDT]

Follow up on same points with updates aslast meeting.
1 Megdwar Gateway API discussions based on use case
Focus is what APIs needed for minimum use case of two cloudlets on two edges running 1 app each and how to move one of the apps from source edge gateway to destination edge gateway on compute nodes through those gateways.
APIs - requiredMeghdwar service process will have configuration file for each cloudlet at the Edge gateway.Dump (take Snapshot), Create , Read, List, Write, Start, Stop - Cloudlets
Reviewed other Catalog modules (application-catalog-ui, murano, murano-agent to be tested) on Rackspace
2. What other modules are needed in OpenStack 'meghdwar' Catalog Refer Murano (May be we use it) - Our Catalog can be for ASP, CSP,NSP and integrated through ESP.
To discuss Binder option for two cloudlets. as for two cloudlets with one app in 1 above.   c. Cloudlet Gateway Management  (Gateway Service Management) 
   d. python  Cloudlet  / MEC Gateway Management  4. How do we go about priority 
Consider two cloudlet Binders and see if we can use LXD and LXC ;live migration as 1st API implementation for Meghdwar.LXD 2.0: Live migration [9/12] | Stéphane Graber's website

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LXD 2.0: Live migration [9/12] | Stéphane Graber's website
 Stéphane Graber's website -  |  |



Please respond back if you have any other suggestions. Note since the Edge Cloud Presentation at OpenStack Meghdwar was not selected, we plan for Bird of Feather (BOF) session and if you are interested in joining please add your name to the etherpad.OpenStack Etherpad

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OpenStack Etherpad
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