[openstack-dev] [kolla][osic] OSIC cluster status

Paul Bourke paul.bourke at oracle.com
Tue Aug 16 17:05:21 UTC 2016

Ok so I got up to speed -

We were having trouble getting instances to get an IP on the VLAN 
provider network via DHCP. DHCP responses were being sent by the neutron 
dhcp agent but seemed to be getting dropped at br-ex.

Turned out the kernel running in the ISO we are using is not new enough 
and the buggy NIC driver (i40e) was present. After upgrading the kernel 
instances are receiving IPs and are ssh-able. (NOTE: the driver issue 
was highlighted in the OSIC docs, we got sidetracked on this though due 
to other issues encountered during bare metal provisioning (hopefully 
most of this is detailed in the review doc, if not we need to get this 
up to date).

Next steps: continue with the rally scenarios. There is a tmux session 
running with a work in progress script to run each scenario we're 
interested in and generate reports. This will allow us to easily 
generate consistent sets of data after each deploy scenario.


On 16/08/16 12:57, Paul Bourke wrote:
> Kollagues,
> Can we get an update from the APAC / US reps?
> The last I heard we were having trouble getting guests spawned on an
> external network so they could be accessible by Rally. There's been
> various people looking at this the past few days but overall unclear
> where we are and time is short. If someone could summarise(looking at
> Jeffrey / inc0 ;)) what's been happening that will allow us to make a
> decision on how to progress.
> Cheers,
> -Paul
> On 05/08/16 17:48, Paul Bourke wrote:
>> Hi Kolla,
>> Thought it will be helpful to send a status mail once we hit checkpoints
>> in the osic cluster work, so people can keep up to speed without having
>> to trawl IRC.
>> Reference: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-N-midcycle-osic
>> Work began on the cluster Wed Aug 3rd, item 1) from the etherpad is now
>> complete. The 131 bare metal nodes have been provisioned with Ubuntu
>> 14.04, networking is configured, and all Kolla prechecks are passing.
>> The default set of images (--profile default) have been built and pushed
>> to a registry running on the deployment node, the build taking a very
>> speedy 5m37.040s.
>> Cheers,
>> -Paul
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