Neutrinos, Since the Neutron mid-cycle has pre-empted the usual team meeting, I am issuing my report as bug deputy for the week of August 8-16 in email form. There were five critical bugs filed last week, two of which are still outstanding. They are: 1. - Subject: "pep8 job failing with F821 in test_l3" - Assigned: Ihar Hrachyshka - Status: Fix Released 2. - Subject: "revision plugin throwing objectdeletederror" - Assigned: Kevin Benton - Status: Fix Released 3. - Subject: "OVSLibTestCase.test_db_find_column_type_list is not isolated" - Assigned: Russell Boden - Status: Fix Released - Note: This was escalated from "High" to "Critical" on 8/10 by Henry Gessau 4. - Subject: "L3 DVR: Unable to complete operation on subnet" - Assigned: Unassigned (reported by John Schwarz) - Status: Confirmed 5. - Subject: "test_shelve_instance fails with sshtimeout" - Assigned: Unassigned (reported by Armando Migliaccio) - Status: Confirmed Armando has graciously volunteered to fill in as Bug Deputy for next week. Thanks, Armando! --N.