[openstack-dev] FW: [Ceilometer]:Duplicate messages with Ceilometer Kafka Publisher.

gordon chung gord at live.ca
Tue Aug 16 12:58:41 UTC 2016

what does your pipeline.yaml look like? maybe paste it to paste.openstack.org. i imagine it's correct if your udp publishing works as expected.

On 16/08/16 04:04 AM, Raghunath D wrote:
Hi Simon,

I have two openstack setup's one with kilo and other with mitaka.

Please find details of kafka version's below:
Kilo kafka client library Version:1.3.1
Mitaka kafka client library Version:1.3.1
Kafka server version on both kilo and mitaka: kafka_2.11-

One observation is on kilo openstack setup I didn't see duplicate message issue,while on mitaka
setup I am experiencing this issue.

With Best Regards
Raghunath Dudyala
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Mailto: raghunath.d at tcs.com<mailto:raghunath.d at tcs.com>
Website: http://www.tcs.com
Experience certainty. IT Services
Business Solutions

From: Simon Pasquier [mailto:spasquier at mirantis.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 2:34 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org><mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer]:Duplicate messages with Ceilometer Kafka Publisher.

Which version of Kafka do you use?

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Raghunath D <raghunath.d at tcs.com<mailto:raghunath.d at tcs.com>> wrote:
Hi ,

  We are injecting events to our custom plugin in ceilometer.
  The ceilometer pipeline.yaml  is configured to publish these events over kafka and udp, consuming these samples using kafka and udp clients.

  KAFKA publisher:
  When the events are sent continously ,we can see duplicate msg's are recevied in kafka client.
  From the log it seems ceilometer kafka publisher is failed to send msg's,but still these msgs
  are received by kafka server.So when kafka resends these failed msgs we can see duplicate msg's
  received in kafka client.
  Please find the attached log for reference.
  Is this know issue ?
  Is their any workaround for this issue ?

  UDP publisher:
    No duplicate msg's issue seen here and it is working as expected.

With Best Regards
Raghunath Dudyala
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Mailto: raghunath.d at tcs.com<mailto:raghunath.d at tcs.com>
Website: http://www.tcs.com<http://www.tcs.com/>
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