[openstack-dev] [ci-cd] Jenkinsfile support (or repo/s for them?)

Joshua Harlow harlowja at fastmail.com
Mon Aug 15 19:47:19 UTC 2016


>> I've been experimenting/investigating/playing around with the 'new'
>> jenkins pipeline support (see https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/ for those
>> who don't know what this is) and it got me thinking that there are
>> probably X other people/groups/companies that are doing the same thing
>> and that to me raises the question of 'why don't we work together'.
> Why not work together on the thing that people are working together on:
> Zuul v3 :)

Fair question,

So in part, because most/some companies (afaik) aren't dropping there 
CI/CD solution that they've been working on for years (via say jenkins) 
for zuul v3; for better or worse that's the reality that I see things in.

Getting people to adopt and/or replace things for zuul v3 (which doesn't 
yet exist?) at such a fundamental level (without such a system most 
companies CI/CD does not exist) may take years (if ever).

So nothing against the zuul v3 folks (their effort is worthy IMHO) I 
just don't see a way to get there at the current time; thus being more 
pragmatic makes me want to contribute on something that has a little 
less risk and is a little more 'already known'.

>> Example of a ci-cd workflow for this (in visual form, for those who are
>> visually tuned):
>> https://jenkins.io/images/pipeline/realworld-pipeline-flow.png
>> Is anyone else looking into how to build jenkinsfiles (or there
>> equivalents) for the openstack project repos? Perhaps we can work on
>> them together or perhaps even we can include those same jenkinsfiles in
>> the project repos themselves (thus making it that much easier to point
>> jenkins at the external repos and run them through tests, functional
>> tests, integration tests and so-on).
> Honestly, I find Jenkins clunky, Java-centric, GUI-centric, and at this
> point, mostly pointless for anyone who doesn't need a GUI for "building"
> CI jobs.

No disagreement, the jenkins pipeline and jenkinsfile effort (that seems 
to go back for a few years now?) seems to be going in a way that isn't 
GUI centric and ... (so ya progress!)

> With nodepool and Zuul, there's simply no purpose to Jenkins any more
> for me.

Fair point, and no disagreement on that effort being good and all; 
though I can't quite say what companies that do use jenkins (the 
majority?) are supposed to do here. Running two systems that appear to 
be (starting to?) do the same things seems like a 'not' worthy effort 
(even though yes I know there are some fundamental differences in how 
they work and what they do).

> Then again, I also think Slack is slow and pointless compared to IRC.
> But, hey, emoji.

Those emjois are the best!

Overall though I don't disagree (I don't like being split over IRC and 
slack), but tis the world we (at least some of us) live in.

> Best,
> -jay
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