[openstack-dev] [kolla][osic] OSIC cluster status

Britt Houser (bhouser) bhouser at cisco.com
Fri Aug 5 18:56:23 UTC 2016

W0000000000000t!!!!!!!!  Great work so far everyone! =)

On 8/5/16, 2:53 PM, "Michał Jastrzębski" <inc007 at gmail.com> wrote:

>And we finished our first deployment
>We had some hurdles due to misconfiguration, you can see it in along
>with a fix. After these fixes and cleanups performed (we don't want to
>affect resulting time now do we?), we deployed functional openstack
>successfully within 20min:) More videos and tests to come!
>On 5 August 2016 at 11:48, Paul Bourke <paul.bourke at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Kolla,
>> Thought it will be helpful to send a status mail once we hit checkpoints in
>> the osic cluster work, so people can keep up to speed without having to
>> trawl IRC.
>> Reference: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-N-midcycle-osic
>> Work began on the cluster Wed Aug 3rd, item 1) from the etherpad is now
>> complete. The 131 bare metal nodes have been provisioned with Ubuntu 14.04,
>> networking is configured, and all Kolla prechecks are passing.
>> The default set of images (--profile default) have been built and pushed to
>> a registry running on the deployment node, the build taking a very speedy
>> 5m37.040s.
>> Cheers,
>> -Paul
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