[openstack-dev] [kubernetes] Introducing the Kubernetes OpenStack Special Interest Group

Ihor Dvoretskyi idvoretskyi at mirantis.com
Sat Apr 23 00:19:24 UTC 2016

Colleagues, I'm happy to announce within the OpenStack community the
Kubernetes OpenStack Special Interest Group.

Kubernetes Community currently runs to the deeper integration between
OpenStack and Kubernetes and one of the main aims now - to work on enabling
OpenStack as a platform for running Kubernetes clusters; and Kubernetes as
the underlying layer for running OpenStack workloads.

Steve Gordon and I have prepared a blog post, which briefly describes our
activities within the community - [1].

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Kubernetes and
OpenStack-related activities, don't hesitate to join us - [2]. And of
course, you may reach us on the OpenStack Summit'16 in Austin!

[2] https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/wiki/SIG-Openstack

Best regards,

Ihor Dvoretskyi,
OpenStack Operations Engineer


Mirantis, Inc. (925) 808-FUEL
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