[openstack-dev] [Security][Barbican][all] Bring your own key fishbowl sessions

Rob C hyakuhei at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 09:20:42 UTC 2016

We have two BYOK sessions scheduled for the design summit, one on the
Barbican track and one on the Security track.

[1] Security: Wednesday 5:20pm-6:00pm Hilton Austin - MR 408
[2] Barbican: Thursday 3:10pm-3:50pm Hilton Austin - MR 406

I'd like to suggest two different approaches to getting the most done with
these sessions.

Option A) Treat them as one big session split over two days
Option B) Use one for 'push' style BYOK and one for 'pull'


[1] https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/9195
[2] https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/9155
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