[openstack-dev] [magnum] Enhance Mesos bay to a DCOS bay

Guz Egor guz_egor at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 16:15:49 UTC 2016

Mesosphere open sourced DC/OS today under Apache 2 license https://mesosphere.com/blog/2016/04/19/open-source-dcos/
--- Egor
      From: Jay Lau <jay.lau.513 at gmail.com>
 To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org> 
 Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Enhance Mesos bay to a DCOS bay
Yes, that's exactly what I want to do, adding dcos cli and also add Chronos to Mesos Bay to make it can handle both long running services and batch jobs.
On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Michal Rostecki <michal.rostecki at gmail.com> wrote:

On 03/25/2016 07:57 AM, Jay Lau wrote:

Hi Magnum,

The current mesos bay only include mesos and marathon, it is better to
enhance the mesos bay have more components and finally enhance it to a
DCOS which focus on container service based on mesos.

For more detail, please refer to

The mesosphere now has a template on AWS which can help customer deploy
a DCOS on AWS, it would be great if Magnum can also support it based on

I filed a bp here
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/mesos-dcos , please show
your comments if any.


Jay Lau (Guangya Liu)

Sorry if I'm missing something, but isn't DCOS a closed source software?

However, the "DCOS cli"[1] seems to be working perfectly with Marathon and Mesos installed by any way if you configure it well. I think that the thing which can be done in Magnum is to make the experience with "DOCS" tools as easy as possible by using open source components from Mesosphere.


[1] https://github.com/mesosphere/dcos-cli

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Jay Lau (Guangya Liu)

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