[openstack-dev] [vitrage] Cinder Datasource

Weyl, Alexey (Nokia - IL) alexey.weyl at nokia.com
Thu Apr 14 12:59:57 UTC 2016

Vitrage is a OpenStack project which supports Root Cause Analysis functionality for OpenStack, with support for raising additional deduced alarms and states. For this purpose Vitrage gathers information from multiple OpenStack projects about the state of the system, and how the different entities are related to one another.

This update was about first steps of adding Cinder into the Vitrage model - Vitrage can query Cinder to get the list of volumes and which instance they are attached to, and store this information in the Vitrage data model.

Based on your question, it is important to emphasize that Vitrage does not itself make changes to the system - it is concerned only in reflecting and analyzing what is happening and raising alarms / changing states as a result.

For more information on Vitrage, please see here:

Best Regards,
Alexey Weyl

> From: Erlon Cruz [mailto:sombrafam at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 3:43 PM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] Cinder Datasource
> Can you give a bit more of context? Where is the design you mentioned? By datasource you mean the Cinder service?
> There is already some work[1] to allow Cider to attach volumes in baremetal servers.
> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/use-cinder-without-nova
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 4:02 AM, Weyl, Alexey (Nokia - IL) <alexey.weyl at nokia.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is the design of the Cinder datasource of Vitrage.
> Currently Cinder datasource is handling only Volumes.
> This datasource listens to cinder volumes notifications on the oslo bus, and updates the topology accordingly.
> Currently Cinder Volume can be attached only to instance (Cinder design).
> Future Steps:
> We want to perform research on what other data we can bring from Cinder.
> For example:
> 1. To what zone we can connect the volume
> 2. To what image we can connect the volume
> Alexey

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