[openstack-dev] [fuel] [fuelclient] Pre-release versions of fuelclient for testing purposes

Oleg Gelbukh ogelbukh at mirantis.com
Thu Apr 14 09:56:39 UTC 2016


I'm sorry for replying to this old thread, but I would really like to see
this moving.

There's a 'pre-release' pipeline in Zuul which serves exactly that purpose:
handle pre-release tags (beta-versions). However, per this thread, it is
not recommended due to possible issues with pip unable to differentiate
pre-release versions from main releases.

Another option here is to publish minor versions of the package, i.e. start
with 9.0.0 early, and then increase to 9.0.1 etc once the development

Best regards,
Oleg Gelbukh
Mirantis Inc.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Yuriy Taraday <yorik.sar at gmail.com> wrote:

> By the way, it would be very helpful for testing external tools if we had
> 7.0.1 release on PyPI as well. It seems python-fuelclient somehow ended up
> with a "stable/7.0.1" branch instead of "7.0.1" tag.
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:49 PM Roman Prykhodchenko <me at romcheg.me> wrote:
>> Releasing a beta version sounds like a good plan but does OpenStack Infra
>> actually support this?
>> > 20 січ. 2016 р. о 12:05 Oleg Gelbukh <ogelbukh at mirantis.com>
>> написав(ла):
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Currently we're experiencing issues with Python dependencies of our
>> package (fuel-octane), specifically between fuelclient's dependencies and
>> keystoneclient dependencies.
>> >
>> > New keystoneclient is required to work with the new version of Nailgun
>> due to introduction of SSL in the latter. On the other hand, fuelclient is
>> released along with the main release of Fuel, and the latest version
>> available from PyPI is 7.0.0, and it has very old dependencies (based on
>> packages available in centos6/python26).
>> >
>> > The solution I'd like to propose is to release beta version of
>> fuelclient (8.0.0b1) with updated requirements ASAP. With --pre flag to
>> pip/tox, this will allow to run unittests against the proper set of
>> requirements. On the other hand, it will not break the users consuming the
>> latest stable (7.0.0) version with old requirements from PyPI.
>> >
>> > Please, share your thoughts and considerations. If no objections, I
>> will create a corresponding bug/blueprint against fuelclient to be fixed in
>> the current release cycle.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Best regards,
>> > Oleg Gelbukh
>> > Mirantis
>> >
>> >
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