[openstack-dev] [tc] Leadership training dates - please confirm attendance

Colette Alexander colettealexander at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 17:15:14 UTC 2016

Hi everyone!

Quick summary of where we're at with leadership training: dates are
confirmed as available with ZingTrain, and we're finalizing trainers with
them right now. *June 28/29th in Ann Arbor, Michigan.*


Has updated info, a sample itinerary that's currently being worked on, and
a request for current/recent past TC to please sign up/reserve your spot if
you know you can attend. I'm also probably bugging you on IRC this week a
lot, for good measure. I'm currently waiting on an address for the training
site so I can give decent hotel recs. Keep an eye on the etherpad for that
in the next two days.

I would *really* love to get as many current and past TC members to this as
possible, but totally understand that is dependent on personal schedules
and travel budgets. *If you are uninterested or unable to attend, please
let me know ASAP,* as I'd like to get a count of how many spots are
potentially open for non-TC members of the community who'd like to attend.
I would like to confirm open space on this list by next Friday, April 22nd,
to allow community members who are interested to sign up throughout the end
of April and into early May.

Do let me know if you have any other questions, too.


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