[openstack-dev] [nova][glance] Proposal to remove `nova image-*` commands from novaclient

Sylvain Bauza sbauza at redhat.com
Wed Apr 6 08:23:22 UTC 2016

Le 06/04/2016 10:13, Markus Zoeller a écrit :
> "Steve Martinelli" <stevemar at ca.ibm.com> wrote on 04/06/2016 06:45:42 AM:
>> From: "Steve Martinelli" <stevemar at ca.ibm.com>
>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List \(not for usage questions\)"
>> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>> Date: 04/06/2016 06:46 AM
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][glance] Proposal to remove `nova
>> image-*` commands from novaclient
>> +1000. Totally in favor of this, if anything it seems overdue, I'm a
>> bit surprised that they aren't already deprecated. Two alternatives
>> exist for the CLI (osc and glanceclient), and two alternatives exist
>> for python API bindings (SDK and glanceclient).
>> This should follow the same case with the nova volume-* commands,
>> deprecate for 2 releases [1] and then remove [2]. The deprecation
>> message can point users to OSC and glanceclient.
>> [1] https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/commit/
>> 23f13437dd64496fcbc138bbaa9b0ac615a3cf23
>> [2] https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/commit/
>> a42570268915f42405ed0b0a67c25686b5db22ce
>> Thanks,
>> Steve Martinelli
>> OpenStack Keystone Project Team Lead
> +1 for deprecation and removal
> To be honest, when I started with Nova during Kilo, I didn't get
> why we have those passthrough APIs. They looked like convenience APIs.
> A short history lesson, why they got introduced, would be cool. I only
> found commit [1] which looks like they were there from the beginning.
> References:
> [1]
> https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/commit/7304ed80df265b3b11a0018a826ce2e38c052572#diff-56f10b3a40a197d5691da75c2b847d31R33

Yeah, I guess it's historical, to copy the behavior we had when 
nova-volume was one thing.

+2 to the deprecations, the current proxy APIs makes confusion for 
operators and I'm by far more in favor of OSC for managing cross-project 
CLIs and having a consistent UX.


> Regards, Markus Zoeller (markus_z)
>> [image removed] Matt Riedemann ---2016/04/05 03:49:05 PM---As we
>> discuss the glance v2 spec for nova, questions are coming up around
>> what to do about the nova
>> From: Matt Riedemann <mriedem at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
>> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>> Date: 2016/04/05 03:49 PM
>> Subject: [openstack-dev] [nova][glance] Proposal to remove `nova
>> image-*` commands from novaclient
>> As we discuss the glance v2 spec for nova, questions are coming up
>> around what to do about the nova images API which is a proxy for glance
> v1.
>> I don't want to add glance v2 support to the nova API since that's just
>> more proxy gorp.
>> I don't think we can just make the nova images API fail if we're using
>> glance v2 in the backend, but we'll need some translation later for:
>> user->nova-images->glance.v2->glance.v1(ish)->user
>> But we definitely want people to stop using the nova images API.
>> I think we can start by deprecating the nova images-* commands in
>> python-novaclient, and probably the python API bindings in novaclient
> too.
>> People should be using python-glanceclient or python-openstackclient for
>> the CLI, and python-glanceclient or some SDK for the python API
> bindings.
>> We recently removed the deprecated nova volume-* stuff from novaclient,
>> this would be the same idea.
>> Does anyone have an issue with this?
>> -- 
>> Thanks,
>> Matt Riedemann
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