I was trying to clean up the divergent logging definitions in devstack as part of scrubbing out 'tenant' references - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301801/ and in doing so stumbled over the fact that the extremely useful project_name and user_name fields are not in base oslo.context. https://github.com/openstack/oslo.context/blob/c63a359094907bc50cc5e1be716508ddee825dfa/oslo_context/context.py#L148-L159 These are always available to be set - http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystonemiddleware/api/keystonemiddleware.auth_token.html#what-auth-token-adds-to-the-request-for-use-by-the-openstack-service And they are extremely valuable when a human is looking at logs, as you actually can remember names when looking at various services to cross reference things. Nova has a custom context that sets these things - https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/d57a4e8be9147bd79be12d3f5adccc9289a375b6/nova/api/auth.py#L114-L115 I would really like these to be available in all services using oslo.context. So the question is, were these not implemented on purpose? Is the opposition to putting them into oslo.context? Please let me know before I start going down this path. -Sean -- Sean Dague http://dague.net