[openstack-dev] [defcore][glance] Glare not defcore ready

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Fri Apr 1 15:02:37 UTC 2016


I missed yday's Glance meeting but I went ahead and read the logs. While I was
at it, I read a sentence from Erno (under the Glare updates topic) that caught
my eye:

	14:06:27 <jokke_> About that. I got couple of pings last night asking wtf is
	going on. Could we please stop selling Glare as replacement for Glance at
	least until we have a) stable API and b) some level of track record/testing
	that it actually is successfully working

I went ahead and looked for the defcore meeting logs[0] (btw, seems like the bot
died during the meeting) to get a better understanding of what Erno meant (I
assumed the pings he mentioned came from the meeting and then confirmed it).

From the small piece of conversation I could read, and based on the current
status of development, priorities and support, I noticed a few "issues" that I
believe are worth raising:

1. Glare's API is under discussion and it's a complementary service for Glance.
[1] 2. Glare should not be a required API for every cloud, whereas Glance is and
it should be kept that way for now. 3. Glare is not a drop-in replacement for
Glance and it'll need way more discussions before that can happen.

I do realize that I missed both meetings and that logs from one of them are not
complete. I apologize if I've misinterpreted the intentions here. I do think
engaiging with DefCore as early in the process as possible is good but I'd also
like to clarify the intentions here before this escalates (again) into more
confusion about what Glance's future looks like.

So, to summarize, I don't think Glare should be added in DefCore in the near
future. The Glance team should focus on fixing the current interoperability
issues before we'll be able to actually try to build on top of the current API.

Hope the above makes sense,

[0] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/defcore/2016/defcore.2016-03-30-16.00.log.txt
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/283136

Flavio Percoco
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