[openstack-dev] [Fuel][library] Update of astute.yaml fixtures and noop tests

Aleksandr Didenko adidenko at mirantis.com
Fri Apr 1 14:05:32 UTC 2016


  As you may know, we're still using some very old astute.yaml fixtures
(v6.1) in our 'master' (v9.0) noop rspec tests [0]. Besides that, we have
problems with fixture-to-rspec mapping [1]. So we've started to work on
those problems [2].

  So please be aware of upcoming changes in noop rspec fixtures and tests.
If you see, that some important fixtures are missing (thus not covered by
tests) please let me know in this email thread or via IRC/email/slack.

  Also, we should stop updating astute.yaml fixtures manually and start
using some kind of automation approach instead [3][4]. I propose to use [5]
script until we find a better solution. So if you want to add some new
astute.yaml fixture for noop tests, please propose a patch to this script
instead of uploading yaml file.

Currently the following is missing in the new set of fixtures for fuel-9.0:
- generate_vms ('vms_conf' array in astute.yaml - I'm not sure how to
properly enable it via nailgun, any help is much appreciated)
- selective ssl fixtures - since configuration data is not serialized from
nailgun, I think that we should move this into 'hiera/override' along with
implementation of new hiera overrides tests workflow [6]
- vmware related fixtures

Please feel free to share your ideas/comments on this topic.


[0] https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1535339
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:update-fixtures-to-9.0
[6] https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1564919
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