[openstack-dev] [mistral] How to call 3rd-party tools(such as Ansible) in Mistral
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
tony.a.wang at alcatel-lucent.com
Mon Oct 19 01:53:54 UTC 2015
Thanks for your valuable comments. ☺
The “custom action” needs to re-install Mistral.
If the Mistral service is part of 3rd party OpenStack, it may be unacceptable to let every user create his own customer action. What do you think?
From: Renat Akhmerov [mailto:rakhmerov at mirantis.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2015 3:25 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [mistral] How to call 3rd-party tools(such as Ansible) in Mistral
Hi, see my answers inline.
On 16 Oct 2015, at 12:35, WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T) <tony.a.wang at alcatel-lucent.com<mailto:tony.a.wang at alcatel-lucent.com>> wrote:
We have developed some Ansible playbooks for operation automation, and we are investigating if we can change the automation engine from Ansible to Mistral since Mistral has powerful workflow control.
Could you please help to provide how to let Mistral call Ansible playbook or Ansible module?
I would recommend to write a custom action (not ad-hoc actions in DSL, they are pretty limited). You can just write a python class and make it available in Mistral workflow. It is pretty easy to do and described at [1]. In Python you’ll have more control on how to call ansible properly. If you have any specific questions on that you can join our IRC channel #openstack-mistral and talk to us there.
My understanding is to use ssh std_action to let Mistral access Ansible server to call Ansible playbook/modules since Mistral ad-hoc action must base on an existing system action.
Yes, you can use std.ssh action but I guess it won’t be too convenient because you’ll have to deal with shell commands directly. Yes, ad-hoc actions can help you do it in a more elegant manner but they are pretty limited and allow to create only wrappers. With Python custom actions (it can be a class hierarchy, for example) you can do much more. For instance, you can expose individual ansible actions and transform their params in a form that better fits workflow DSL.
Anyway, it’s just my preference. You may like this second option better.
Another question is:
If we install Mistral and Ansible on a same server, is it possible to simplify it?
Yes, like I described above.
[1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/mistral/developer/creating_custom_action.html
Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.
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