[openstack-dev] Scheduler proposal
Gregory Haynes
greg at greghaynes.net
Fri Oct 9 21:04:40 UTC 2015
Excerpts from Joshua Harlow's message of 2015-10-08 15:24:18 +0000:
> On this point, and just thinking out loud. If we consider saving
> compute_node information into say a node in said DLM backend (for
> example a znode in zookeeper[1]); this information would be updated
> periodically by that compute_node *itself* (it would say contain
> information about what VMs are running on it, what there utilization is
> and so-on).
> For example the following layout could be used:
> /nova/compute_nodes/<hypervisor-hostname>
> <hypervisor-hostname> data could be:
> {
> vms: [],
> memory_free: XYZ,
> cpu_usage: ABC,
> memory_used: MNO,
> ...
> }
> Now if we imagine each/all schedulers having watches
> on /nova/compute_nodes/ ([2] consul and etc.d have equivalent concepts
> afaik) then when a compute_node updates that information a push
> notification (the watch being triggered) will be sent to the
> scheduler(s) and the scheduler(s) could then update a local in-memory
> cache of the data about all the hypervisors that can be selected from
> for scheduling. This avoids any reading of a large set of data in the
> first place (besides an initial read-once on startup to read the
> initial list + setup the watches); in a way its similar to push
> notifications. Then when scheduling a VM -> hypervisor there isn't any
> need to query anything but the local in-memory representation that the
> scheduler is maintaining (and updating as watches are triggered)...
> So this is why I was wondering about what capabilities of cassandra are
> being used here; because the above I think are unique capababilties of
> DLM like systems (zookeeper, consul, etcd) that could be advantageous
> here...
> [1]
> https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#sc_zkDataModel_znodes
> [2]
> https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkWatches
I wonder if we would even need to make something so specialized to get
this kind of local caching. I dont know what the current ZK tools are
but the original Chubby paper described that clients always have a
write-through cache for nodes which they set up subscriptions for in
order to break the cache.
Also, re: etcd - The last time I checked their subscription API was
woefully inadequate for performing this type of thing without hurding
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