[openstack-dev] [Glance] Process to clean up the review queue from non-active patches

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Tue Oct 6 17:53:33 UTC 2015

Excerpts from Flavio Percoco's message of 2015-10-06 23:36:53 +0900:
> Greetings,
> Not so long ago, Erno started a thread[0] in this list to discuss the
> abandon policies for patches that haven't been updated in Glance.
> I'd like to go forward and start following that policy with some
> changes that you can find below:
> 1) Lets do this on patches that haven't had any activity in the last 2
> months. This adds one more month to Erno's proposal. The reason being
> that during the lat cycle, there were some ups and downs in the review
> flow that caused some patches to get stuck.
> 2) Do this just on master, for all patches regardless they fix a
> bug or implement a spec and for all patches regardless their review
> status.
> 3) The patch will be first marked as a WIP and then abandoned if the
> patch is not updated in 1 week. This will put this patches at the
> begining of the queue but using the Glance review dashboard should
> help keeing focus.
> Unless there are some critical things missing in the above or strong
> opiniones against this, I'll make this effective starting next Monday
> October 12th.
> Best regards,
> Flavio
> [0] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/056829.html

In the past we've had discussions on the list about how abandoning
patches can be perceived as hostile to contributors, and that using
a review dashboard with good filters is a better solution. Since
you already have a dashboard, I suggest adding a section for patches
that are old but have no review comments (maybe you already have
that) and another for patches where the current viewer has voted
-1. The first highlights the patches for reviewers, and ignores
them when they are in a state where we're waiting for feedback or
an update, and the latter provides a list of patches the current
reviewer is involved in and may need to recheck for new comments.


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