[openstack-dev] [Nova] Nova mid cycle details

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Sat Nov 28 04:39:20 UTC 2015


I filled in the first part of that page, but when it got to hotels I got
confused. The web site doesn't seem to mention the night rate for the HP
price. Do you know what that is?


On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 3:06 AM, Murray, Paul (HP Cloud) <pmurray at hpe.com>

> The Nova Mitaka mid cycle meetup is in Bristol, UK at the Hewlett Packard
> Enterprise office.
> The mid cycle wiki page is here:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints/NovaMitakaSprint
> Note that there is a web site for signing up for the event and booking
> hotel rooms at a reduced event rate here:
> https://starcite.smarteventscloud.com/hpe/NovaMidCycleMeeting
> If you want to book a room at the event rate you do need to register on
> that site.
> There is also an Eventbrite event that was created before the above web
> site was available. Do not worry if you have registered using Eventbrite,
> we will recognize those registrations as well. But if you do want to book a
> room you will need to register again on the above site.
> Paul
> Paul Murray
> Nova Technical Lead, HPE Cloud
> Hewlett Packard Enterprise
> +44 117 316 2527
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Rackspace Australia
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