[openstack-dev] [gnocchi][rating] Issues regarding gnocchi support in CloudKitty

Julien Danjou julien at danjou.info
Thu Nov 26 16:31:38 UTC 2015

On Thu, Nov 26 2015, Stéphane Albert wrote:

> I'll open a bug with a full history dump, sometime it's due to the host
> changing (flapping) from name to hash, this might be due to
> ceilometer.

This would be a Ceilometer (or above) bug indeed. I think I saw
something recently. It's possible the host differs between polling and
notifications; feel free to also open a bug on the Ceilometer side.

>> > Search for active instances during a timeframe
>> > ==============================================
>> […]
>> > Here the revision is outside of the requested timeframe.
>> I don't get that comment. You didn't ask for any specific revision, you
>> asked for a start/end timestamps. So that looks correct to me. You get
>> the instances that was active between 10:33 and 17:33.
> I didn't ask for a specific revision because I can't ;)

Why can't you? You can request revisions based on their timeframes.
Or is it because the revision date is based no the upload timestamp
rather than the actual date of the revision?

This is something we could fix in the API and Ceilometer I imagine,
giving the ability to provide a timestamp for the change.

> If there is more than one revision, then I'll get multiple revisions for
> a resource. This imply that you request all the revisions and then
> filter them client side. It's not the most efficient way to proceed as
> it could be directly done in the DB query.

But but… there might be multiple revision between two timeframe. If you
want to rate an instance that was up during 10:33 and 17:33, and that
resource has been e.g. resized 3 times at 12:00, 13:00 and 15:00, you'll
get 3 revisions from Gnocchi. Isn't that what you want?

Julien Danjou
/* Free Software hacker
   https://julien.danjou.info */
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