[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Bug update

Gary Kotton gkotton at vmware.com
Sat Nov 21 07:18:30 UTC 2015

Yeah, I should have reread before hitting the send.

It should have been RBAC (I have opened a new official tag). Kevin understood and addressed the bugs :)

From: "Armando M." <armamig at gmail.com<mailto:armamig at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Date: Friday, November 20, 2015 at 8:39 PM
To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Bug update

On 20 November 2015 at 09:47, John Belamaric <jbelamaric at infoblox.com<mailto:jbelamaric at infoblox.com>> wrote:
I think Gary got auto-corrected:

training = triaging
brace = rbac


On Nov 20, 2015, at 12:41 PM, Armando M. <armamig at gmail.com<mailto:armamig at gmail.com>> wrote:

On 19 November 2015 at 23:10, Gary Kotton <gkotton at vmware.com<mailto:gkotton at vmware.com>> wrote:
There are a ton of old and ancient bugs that have not been trained. If you guys have some time then please go over them. In most cases some are not even bugs and are just questions. I have spent the last few days going over and training a few.
Over the last two days a number of bugs related to Neutron RBAC have been opened. I have created a new tag called 'brace'. Kevin can you please take a look. Some may be bugs, others may be edge cases that we missed in the review process and others may be a mis understanding of the feature.

What does brace mean? That doesn't seem very intuitive.

Are you suggesting to add one to cover 'access control' in general?

Thanks for helping out!

[1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/neutron/policies/bugs.html#proposing-new-tags

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