[openstack-dev] [Ceilometer]:Subscribe and Publish Notification frame work in Ceilometer !

gord chung gord at live.ca
Thu Nov 5 22:59:18 UTC 2015

On 05/11/2015 5:11 AM, Raghunath D wrote:
> Hi Pradeep,
> Presently we are looking for a monitoring service.Using monitoring 
> service user's/application's
> will subscribe for few notification's/events from openstack 
> infrastructure and monitoring service
> will publish these notification to user's/application's.
> We are exploring Ceilometer for this purpose.We came across below blue 
> print which is similar to our requirement.
>  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/declarative-notifications.

i'm not exactly clear on what you are trying to achieve. that said, the 
basic premise of the above blueprint is that if serviceX (nova, neutron, 
etc...) starts publishing a new notification with a metric of interest, 
Ceilometer can be easily configured to capture said metric by adding a 
metric definition to a definition file[1] or a custom definition 
file[2]. the same can be done for events[3].

> We have few queries on declarative-notifications frame work,could you 
> please help us in addressing them:
> 1.We are looking for an API for Subcribing/Publishing notification.Do 
> this frame work exposes any such API,if yes could you
>    please provide us API doc or spec how to use it.
> 2.If the frame work doesn't have such API,does any of the development 
> group is working in this area.
> 3.Please suggest what would be the best place in ceilometer 
> notification frame work(publisher/dispatcher/..)
>    to implement the Subscribe and Publish API.

from what is described, it seems like you'd like Ceilometer to capture a 
notification and republish it rather than stored in a Ceilometer 
supported storage driver (ie Gnocchi, ElasticSearch, SQL, etc...). 
currently, the only way to do this is to not enable a collector service. 
doing so, the Event/Sample will be published to a message queue 
(default) which you can configure your service to pull from. currently, 
i don't believe oslo.messaging supports pub/sub work flow. 
alternatively, you can use one of the other publishers[4]. the kafka 
publisher should allow you to do a pub/sub type workflow. i know RAX has 
atom hopper[5] which uses atom feeds to support pub/sub functionality. 
there was discussions on adding support for this but no work has been 
done on it. feel free to propose it if you feel it's worthwhile.

[5] http://atomhopper.org/



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