[openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances

Chris Friesen chris.friesen at windriver.com
Thu May 28 01:38:41 UTC 2015

On 05/27/2015 05:09 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> If the current behavior is broken, and the behavior is causing problems with
> things like fixing quota's, should it just be deprecated and pushed off to
> orchestration rather then change it?

Is this causing problems with quotas?  The problem I brought up isn't with 
quotas but rather with all the instances being set to an error state when we 
could have actually booted up a bunch of them.

In any case, even if we wanted to deprecate it (and I think an argument could be 
made for that) we still have to decide what the "correct" behaviour should be 
for the API as it exists today.  In my view the current behaviour doesn't match 
what a reasonable person would expect given the description of the "min count" 
and "max count" parameters.


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