[openstack-dev] [trove] How we make service vm to connect to management network

Li Tianqing jazeltq at 163.com
Mon May 11 09:44:26 UTC 2015

      The vm is created by trove is installed trove-guestagent. The agent should connect to the rabbitmq in management network for notifications and billing.
      Right now, the trove vm can boot by two or more net cards. One is user's, the other one is trove-defined (which is defined in configuration.)
     1)  The vm is put into user's tenant, so the user can login into this vm. It is quite inscure.  We could overwrite the remote.py to put the vm into trove tenant.
          But after overwrite, the user can not start, stop, the instance, the network ip uesed for to connect to msyql is also can not get. 
          Then we should overwrite the instance view to add those information.
          We should make the decision now. If put the vm into trove's tenant is better than into user's tenant. We should add api, rewrite view. Not just give choise to users that use trove.
         Because we are the developer for trove. We should know which is better.
     2)  If we deployment trove like that. The user can not use private network fully. For there is the chance that the user-defined-network is same as the trove-defined-nework
           in cidr. Then the packet can not send out.We should also try other deployment that can make trove connect to management's rabbitmq. For example, make the vm can 
         passthrough to the host that load that vm. For that deployment do not limit the user's in private network use. So i say we should talk a lot on this problem.
    3)  we should add mgmt-cli quickly. The client can not fully use the api. It is .....  I think may be trove developers think all trove user are nice person who will never curse.
May be i am not right. But i am open do discuss if i still interested in trove.

    Li Tianqing
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