[openstack-dev] [tc] Who is allowed to vote for TC candidates

Maish Saidel-Keesing maishsk at maishsk.com
Tue May 5 15:18:19 UTC 2015

On 05/05/15 18:10, Adam Lawson wrote:
> I think the ATC thing came up as one avenue to explore when folks were 
> trying to figure out ways to quantify Operator involvement for the 
> purpose of identifying who are actively contributing to OpenStack 
> versus those who are fans/users of OpenStack but don't have time right 
> now to contribute more formally. ATC, BTC, CTC, DTC... there are 
> several great ideas that were brought up as possibilities as well as 
> some take-aways for further discussion at the Vancouver Summit and the 
> talking points for the User Committee. I'm really crossing my fingers 
> this translates into something noticeably unique starting with the 
> next election. In my perfect world anyway. ; )
I am all for OTC (OpenStack / Operational Technical Contributor)
Best Regards,
Maish Saidel-Keesing

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